A review study, “Bioactive Peptides Derived from Seaweed Protein and Their Health Benefits,” published in the Journal of Food Science explores recent research trends and scientific knowledge in seaweed protein-derived peptides with an emphasis on production, isolation, and potential health impacts in prevention of hypertension, diabetes. and oxidative stress. The authors also discuss the current status and future prospects of bioactive peptides.

Due to their rapid growing nature, high content of proteins and diverse profile of bioactive compounds, seaweeds can be well-positioned as an alternative resource for the production of peptide-based functional diets. Bioactive peptides have strong potential for use in therapeutic drug and functional food formulation in health management strategy, especially cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

Many studies have reported that peptides successfully isolated from seaweed show angiotensin converting enzyme inhibition, antihypertensive, antioxidative, and antidiabetics activities. However, the authors note that further research is needed in large-scale production of these peptides, efficient isolation methods, interactions with functional foods and other pharmaceuticals, and their ease to digestion in in vivo studies and safety to validate the health benefits of these peptides.

Review study

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