The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has launched a new user-friendly version of a tool called the Food Additives Intake Model (FAIM). The tool is based on food consumption data collected by European Union member states for different population groups. It allows calculation of exposure to new food additives or to additives that are already authorized but for which a new use is proposed. It can also be used for other areas of EFSA’s work, such as novel foods.

The FAIM tool works by entering occurrence levels for the food additive under evaluation for the relevant food categories. Then, food consumption data for each subject included in the database will allow the user to calculate exposure.

“This tool is much awaited by applicants, but it is meant for anyone with an interest in estimating exposure to chemicals added to food, including risk managers and scientific assessors,” said Davide Arcella, head of EFSA’s exposure assessment team. “The use of individual food consumption data will increase the accuracy of exposure estimates.”

Press release

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