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At IFT we’re about food science, nutrition, safety, and sustainability. We’re about innovation and the future of food. But most of all, we’re about providing IFT’s vibrant community of scholars, innovators, visionaries and doers, with the resources, forums, and services they need to be successful and thrive in today’s global science of food profession.

Happening in the Community right arrow
There are so many ways to engage with IFT’s robust global community. Here are just a few:
Everyone says you need to have a LinkedIn profile… but what should it look like, and how do you use it to your advantage? Learn how you can leverage this platform to develop your personal brand.
Unprecedented Times Require Unprecedented Support right arrow
As the global pandemic continues to stretch and challenge our profession in extraordinary ways, IFT and its volunteer community has consistently risen to the challenge, offering support, guidance, community, and inspiration.

IFT Members Make Food Better

Listen in as IFT members share why they love what they do and the essential role of the science of food plays in ensuring our global food supply is safe, nutritious, and sustainable.

Water Drops

Join the Conversation Online at IFT Connect

Connect with IFT Members through IFT Connect, IFT’s online community site. Participate in interest-based discussion boards and topical division groups, ask questions, solve problems, and make invaluable connections through the online directory.

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Connecting IFT Members to their most valuable resource—each other.

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Regional Sections
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Topical Divisions

Join a Division

Members are able to join IFT Divisions of their choice. With 25 Divisions to choose from, you will be joining a robust and engaged community of peers representing over 76 countries. Not a member yet? No problem, you can join online today.

Stay Connected with Section Events

IFT sections offer a great way to network with food professionals in your area.