Chris Daubert, PhD

Candidate for the Board of Directors

Chris Daubert, PhD
Vice Chancellor and Dean, University of Missouri, United States

Candidate for the Board of Directors

Chris Daubert, PhD
Vice Chancellor and Dean, University of Missouri, United States


Christopher R. Daubert, Ph.D., serves as the Vice Chancellor and Dean of the College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources at the University of Missouri (Mizzou), and a Professor in the Division of Food Systems and Bioengineering. He joined Mizzou from North Carolina State University where he served as a professor and head of the Department of Food, Bioprocessing and Nutrition Services; director of the Food Rheology Laboratory; and system co-chair of Food, Biochemical and Engineered Systems.

His research explained the physical chemistry, molecular-level interactions, and functionality of food systems through an understanding of rheological behavior, while solving problems facing the food and pharmaceutical industries. Daubert has served as editor-in-chief of the Journal of Texture Studies, on the editorial board of the Journal of Food Process Engineers, and on the editorial committee of the Annual Review of Food Science and Technology. He has received distinguished alumnus awards from Pennsylvania State University and Michigan State University.

IFT Highlights

Chris is a fellow of the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT).  He previously served IFT as chair of the Food Engineering Division and a member-at-large of the Dogwood section.


B.S. in Agricultural Engineering from Penn State University

Ph.D. in Agricultural Engineering and Food Science from Michigan State University

Post-Doc, Food Science, NC State University