
IFT’s Feeding Tomorrow Fund offers academic and IFT FIRST travel scholarships annually for first-year, undergraduate, and graduate students. IFT is committed to advancing access to education and science, especially for those affected by food inequity.

Scholarship applications open on January 6, 2025, and close on February 28, 2025.

Learn more and apply:

Apply for First-Year Academic Scholarships
Program Key: IFTF

Apply for Undergraduate Academic Scholarships
Program Key: IFT

Apply for the PepsiCo and IFT Academic and FIRST Travel Undergraduate Hybrid Scholarship

Apply for Graduate Academic Scholarships
Program Key: IFT

Apply for the Dr. Elwood F. Caldwell Graduate Fellowship
Program Key: Caldwell

Apply for Undergraduate and Graduate IFT FIRST Travel Scholarships
Program Key: IFTTravel

For application assistance, email [email protected] or use the green help widget to chat with an agent during business hours on ISTS’s website.

For assistance with the PepsiCo and IFT Academic and FIRST Travel Undergraduate Hybrid Scholarship, email [email protected].

Apply for First-Year Academic Scholarships
Program Key: IFTF

Amount and number of scholarships available: $2000 (4 available)

General Eligibility:

  • Applicants must have a minimum grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale (or its equivalent).
  • Applicants must plan to enroll as a full-time first-year student pursuing an undergraduate degree in the science of food at a U.S. or international institution for the 2025-2026 academic year.

Apply for Undergraduate Academic Scholarships
Program Key: IFT

General Eligibility:

  • Applicants must have a minimum grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale (or its equivalent).
  • Applicants must plan to enroll full-time or part-time as a rising sophomore, junior, or senior student pursuing an undergraduate degree in the science of food at a U.S. or international institution for the 2025-2026 academic year.
  • Applicants must demonstrate a commitment to the science of food, such as, but not limited to, IFT Student Membership.
  • Specific scholarships may have other eligibility based on focus or topic area.
  • With the exception of Feeding Tomorrow Gateway Scholarships, applicants must be enrolled in an IFT-HERB Approved Undergraduate Program.

10 Feeding Tomorrow Gateway Scholarships are available in 2025. These scholarships are specifically for students who are NOT enrolled in IFT-HERB Approved Undergraduate Programs.

Undergraduate Academic Scholarships

Feeding Tomorrow Financial Need Scholarships

Feeding Tomorrow International Scholarships

Feeding Tomorrow Transfer Community College Scholarships

Feeding Tomorrow Gateway Scholarships - Non-Higher Education Review Board (Non-HERB)

Feeding Tomorrow General Undergraduate Scholarships

Feeding Tomorrow General Undergraduate Scholarship

IFT Food Engineering Division Scholarship

IFT Sensory & Consumer Sciences Division Scholarship

Hollingsworth Student Leadership Scholarship

McCormick and Company Scholarship

Barbara B. Keenan Scholarship

Edlong Scholarship

Evan Turek Memorial Scholarships



























Recipients must be able to demonstrate financial need.

Recipients must reside and attend school outside of the U.S.

Recipients must be transferring from a community college to a 4-year institution.

Recipients must NOT be enrolled in an IFT-HERB Approved Undergraduate Program.



Recipient must be pursuing a degree in the science of food focusing on any aspect of food process engineering.

Recipient must demonstrate an interest in sensory and consumer sciences.

Recipient must be a student leader who has demonstrated outstanding leadership within their university, community, and/or in the IFT Student Association, as it relates to food sciences.




Recipients must be studying food science, nutrition, bio/agricultural engineering, biochemistry, chemical engineering, dairy science, food chemistry, food engineering, food packaging, non-thermal processing, or a related discipline.

PepsiCo and IFT Academic and FIRST Travel Undergraduate Hybrid Scholarship

Apply for the PepsiCo and IFT Academic and FIRST Travel Undergraduate Hybrid Scholarship

Amount and number of scholarships available: $6000 (1 available)

General Eligibility:

  • Applicants must have a minimum grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale (or its equivalent).
  • Applicants must plan to enroll full-time or part-time as a rising sophomore, junior, or senior student pursuing an undergraduate degree in the science of food at a U.S. or international institution for the 2025-2026 academic year.
  • Applicants must demonstrate a commitment to the science of food, such as, but not limited to, IFT Student Membership.

Apply for Graduate Academic Scholarships
Program Key: IFT

General Eligibility:

  • Applicants must have a minimum grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale (or its equivalent).
  • Applicants must plan to enroll full-time or part-time as an MS or PhD student pursuing a degree in the science of food at an accredited or bona fide college or university for the 2025-2026 academic year. Colleges/universities outside the U.S. are considered bona fide if they have a student population, a defined curriculum, faculty, and campus.
  • Applicants must demonstrate a commitment to the science of food, such as, but not limited to, IFT Student Membership.
  • Specific scholarships may have other eligibility based on focus or topic area.
Graduate Academic Scholarships

Dr. Richard L. Hall Flavor Science Scholarships

Edlong Graduate Scholarship

Feeding Tomorrow Financial Need Scholarships

Feeding Tomorrow General Graduate Scholarships

Feeding Tomorrow General Graduate Scholarship

Gerber Foundation Pediatric Scholarships

Mike Jimenez Scholarship

Sensory & Consumer Sciences Division Scholarship

Sensory & Consumer Sciences Division Scholarship








$4,000 (MS)

$5,000 (PhD)










Recipients must be an MS or PhD student whose research focuses on the safety assessment of flavors.

Recipient must be pursuing an MS or PhD degree in food science with an emphasis on dairy flavors and/or dairy science.

Recipients must be able to demonstrate financial need.



Recipients must be pursuing an MS or PhD degree in food science with an interest in pediatric nutrition.

Recipient must be a graduate student (MS or PhD) studying food science, with a focus on food security, global development, or nutrition in the developing world.

Recipient must be a first or second-year graduate student pursuing an MS in sensory and consumer sciences.

Recipient must be a PhD student conducting research focused on food sensory and consumer sciences.

IFT FIRST stands for Food Improved by Research, Science, and Technology. Taking place in Chicago, IL, from July 13-16, 2025, IFT FIRST brings together global experts to explore how science and innovation are transforming food systems. Through presentations, panels, and networking, you'll learn about the latest trends, breakthroughs, and challenges shaping the future of food. For students, IFT FIRST is the premier opportunity to jumpstart your career.

Apply for Undergraduate and Graduate IFT FIRST Travel Scholarships
Program Key: IFTTravel

General Eligibility:

  • Travel stipends are open to all students, regardless of membership status.
  • Applicants must be graduate or undergraduate students pursuing a degree in food science or a related field. Certain scholarships may have specific eligibility as determined by the sponsor.
  • Applicants must not be receiving funding from another source.
  • Recipients will need to submit a written testimonial regarding their experience at IFT FIRST and a thank-you note to the sponsor.
  • Recipients will be required to submit a W-9 form for a U.S. domestic student and a W8BEN for students located outside of the U.S.
Undergraduate Travel Scholarships

Feeding Tomorrow Scholarships

IFT Food Laws & Regulations Division Scholarships

IFT Student Association Scholarship







Graduate Travel Scholarships

Feeding Tomorrow Scholarships

IFT Food Safety & Quality Management, Education, Extension & Outreach, Fruit & Vegetable Products Divisions Combined Scholarship

IFT Student Association Scholarship

IFT International Division Scholarship

IFT Nutraceutical & Functional Foods Division Scholarships

Dr. Ruth M. Patrick Scholarship

IFT Sensory & Consumer Sciences Division Scholarships















A dedicated member of IFT, Dr. Elwood F. Caldwell was a strong advocate for the mission of IFT’s Feeding Tomorrow Fund. He deeply believed in its valuable role in supporting students in the field of food sciences, and he committed to endorsing a full graduate fellowship in its honor. This fellowship aims to commemorate his legacy by providing a stipend to a graduate student conducting research in food science and technology.

Apply for the Caldwell Graduate Fellowship
Program Key: Caldwell

Amount and number of fellowships available: $25,000 (1 available)

Eligibility and Details:

  • Fellowship is available to both international and U.S. domestic students who are currently enrolled in a graduate degree program at an accredited institution.
  • The candidate must be pursuing a graduate degree in food science and technology.
  • The candidate’s research must focus on addressing the future needs and challenges of the global food system.
  • The candidate must be a full-time student in the second year of their master’s or PhD program.
  • The fellowship is for 12 months.
  • The recipient will be designated as an Elwood Caldwell Fellow.
  • The fellowship provides a stipend but does not cover fringe benefits, tuition waivers, or additional expenses. Payments will be made in two installments through the department or institution.
  • If a student terminates their studies during the fellowship year, the remaining fellowship funds must be returned to Feeding Tomorrow.
  • Fellowships are non-deferrable. The award will be revoked if the recipient engages in misconduct related to the Fund, breaches fellowship terms, or provides false information to the Fund.

Applications open: January 6, 2025 – February 28, 2025

Winner and non-winner notifications: April 2025

Winner acceptance form completion deadline: May 5, 2025

Funds distributed:

  • IFT FIRST Travel scholarships: May 2025
  • Undergraduate and graduate scholarships: June 2025

IFT FIRST: July 13-16, 2025

How can I get help with the application process?

Can I use my application from last year?

  • No, you must submit a new application every year.

Can I apply for more than one scholarship?

  • Yes, you can apply for multiple scholarships with one application. You’ll be considered for all scholarships you qualify for, but you can only receive one.

Am I eligible if I graduate in December during the 2025–2026 academic year?

  • Yes, you are eligible to apply.

What types of transcripts are acceptable?

  • Any transcript is acceptable—printed, scanned, official, or unofficial—as long as it's accurate and legible. Winners may be asked to provide official transcripts to verify their GPA.

When will I be notified if I win a scholarship?

  • Travel Scholarships: May 2025
  • Academic Scholarships: June 2025

Who selects the scholarship recipients?

  • A team of professional jurors from ISTS ensures a fair and unbiased selection process.

Do I need to be an IFT member to apply?

  • No, but you must show a commitment to food sciences, which can include IFT membership.

Can I use the scholarship for expenses other than tuition?

  • No, scholarships must be used for tuition or other direct educational expenses.

Can international students apply?

  • Travel scholarships: Yes, open to international students.
  • Undergraduate academic scholarships: Yes, open to students at approved IFT-HERB institutions around the globe (except for the gateway non-HERB scholarships).
  • Graduate students: Yes, if pursuing a degree in food sciences.

General Policies

  • Scholarship winners must forfeit their scholarship if they withdraw from school, graduate early, or change their research program.
  • All applications must be in English.
  • Unofficial transcripts can be used for applications, but official transcripts may be requested to verify your GPA.

Conflict of Interest:

All scholarship candidates and sponsors must disclose to the Feeding Tomorrow Fund of IFT in writing any and all actual or potential conflicts of interest, including but not limited to those listed below, which may compromise the integrity of the program.

IFT may, in its sole discretion, refuse to accept or cancel a scholarship award if an actual or perceived conflict of interest exists. Potential conflicts of interest include:

  1. Scholarship Candidate is a close familial relative (spouse, parent, child, sibling, grandparent, grandchild, aunt, uncle, nephew, niece or first cousin) of the Sponsor (or any member or employee of Sponsor) selecting the candidate; 
  2. Scholarship Candidate or Sponsor solicits, provides or accepts any compensation or other consideration in exchange for the nomination;
  3. Scholarship Candidate is a current or former employee or board member of the Sponsor or Institute of Food Technologists; or
  4. Scholarship Candidate engages in any conduct that may reflect negatively upon the Feeding Tomorrow Fund or Institute of Food Technologists.


All Feeding Tomorrow Fund academic scholarship award funds will be applied to recipient’s tuition, educational fees, or educational expenses required by the university. These funds shall be disbursed to student tuition accounts. The academic scholarships are based on merit and not on financial need. 

All Feeding Tomorrow Fund travel scholarship award funds will be disbursed to the student directly to be applied to costs associated with travel to the IFT Annual Meeting and Expo. The student recipient may be required to claim this travel scholarship as income and be asked to submit at 1099 to the Feeding Tomorrow Fund. 

Scholarships may not be sold, transferred or assigned and are not convertible to cash. 

Scholarship candidates must comply with all applicable enrollment and registration deadlines published by the university. 

Any false statements or misrepresentations made by the scholarship applicants may be grounds for discipline in, or dismissal from, Feeding Tomorrow Fund scholarship program(s). 

Academic scholarships are disbursed at the start of the academic year, in full, and at the university discretion may be allocated across one or all terms or semesters. 

If awarded, recipients of both academic and travel scholarships are required to provide a photograph, brief biographical statement, and thank you letter to the donor(s). 

If awarded, proof of acceptance into the academic program may be required.  

Contact Information

For all inquiries regarding the Feeding Tomorrow Scholarship Program, please contact the ISTS Program Support Team via email at [email protected] or click the green help widget on your application to live chat with an agent during normal business hours. You may also email [email protected]. Thank you!