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Seeding The Future Challenge Winners

Dynamic. Transformative. Impactful. These are a few words that describe project submissions for Seeding the Future Global Food Challenge – an initiative that seeks to inspire and support innovative, diverse and multidisciplinary teams to create products and solutions that will help to transform the food system.

At the conclusion of the inaugural year of the Challenge, more than $1 million in prizes and grants were awarded to winning teams whose projects stood out among the nearly 900 applications that were submitted from startups, nonprofits, universities, research institutions, and multi-organization collaborations from more than 60 countries. The vast and varied interest demonstrates the significance and drive to create a more resilient and sustainable food system to feed the world's growing population. Information about the Challenge's grand prize and grant winners is featured below.

On behalf of IFT and the Seeding The Future Foundation, a well-earned congratulations to last year's winners and deep appreciation to all Challenge participants for their important work to address the critical issues facing our global food system.

2023 Seeding The Future Grand Prize Winners

Awarded for innovations that are scalable, economically feasible, trusted, and compelling to consumers, and have demonstrated major impact potential to transform the food system.


2023 Growth Grant Winners

Awarded for demonstrating their innovation is doable and has projected both economic feasibility at scale and high impact potential to transform the food system.

2023 Seed Grant Winners

In addition to the Grand Prize and Growth Grant winners, IFT also awarded nine Seed Grants.
Recipients include:

Aquagenius, “Small-scale Fish Farming Enhanced by a Circular Economy and Innovative, Eco-friendly Food Strategy”

Feeding Albania Foundation, “Sustainable Egg Production for NGOs and the Impoverished in Albania”

Global Seed Savers, “Empowering Communities for Sustainable, Equitable, Ecological, and Diverse Food Systems through Seed Sovereignty”

Ndalo Heritage Trust, Sorghum Value-addition: Scaling Up Nutrition, Human and Climate Health for At-risk Populations in Siaya County, Kenya

Safe Environment Hub, “Black Soldier Fly Farming: Changing Trash to Cash”

Tiny Seed Project, “PISCES: Permaculture Institute, Cultivating Resistance: Promoting Cover Crops for Sustainable Agriculture in Northern Togo, West Africa”

Urban Being Inc., “JRDN-URBN: Building Food Autonomy into the City”

UV4Good, “UVC LED-based Systems to Clean Water in the Field and Other” Emergency Situations Across the World

Challenge Funding

Funded by the Seeding the Future Foundation, the Challenge focuses on scalable and high impact innovations that reside at the intersection of three domains: safe and nutritious food for a healthy diet; sustainably produced; and accessible, appealing, affordable, and trusted by consumers.