Sustainable manufacturing processes for both packaging and food products will require commitment from consumers, companies, and government agencies—and food scientists have myriad points of influence to drive that commitment, according to the speakers taking part in a multi-session conversation at IFT FIRST on Tuesday, July 12.
To begin with, the various players in the food manufacturing space need a tighter definition of the word “sustainability,” according to the panelists, wh…
In this article, readers will discover the seven packaging innovations—four associated with format and design achievements and three material science discoveries—that have risen to the top in the past half century in terms of positive impact on the food system and consumers worldwide.
In this column, the author describes why the validation step of HACCP for food safety preventive controls is key to addressing processing hazards and identifies processes and preventive controls that are required to be validated.
This controversial food classification system raises reasonable questions about ultra-processed foods, but we need to think critically about what it fails to factor in.
In this column, the author describes what can be done to keep foreign materials out of food and protect both consumers and food processors’ reputations.
News and trends about the food system.