The challenge of agricultural waste and inefficiency includes an overlay of concern about environmental sustainability and, more extremely, climate change.
As with everything else that relates to economic production these days, the challenge of agricultural waste and inefficiency includes an overlay of concern about environmental sustainability and, more extremely, climate change.
“We’ve got to wake up as a society,” says John Purcell, president and CEO of Unfold, an indoor-farming startup. “This is not a theoretical conversation; it’s real. We have billion-dollar weather events this decade that we didn’t see in p…
In this article, readers will discover the seven packaging innovations—four associated with format and design achievements and three material science discoveries—that have risen to the top in the past half century in terms of positive impact on the food system and consumers worldwide.
News and trends about the food system.
Fonio Chips maker Yolélé Foods has developed techniques to reduce fonio postharvest losses and now markets chips and pilafs made with fonio grown in West Africa.
Obtaining research funding has always been a challenge in the food sciences, and the next generation of researchers must contend with shifting priorities and resources.
Hear from a pioneering researcher who's shaping the future of food processing through the transformative use of high-intensity ultrasound.