As the FEMA Expert Panel enters its fifth decade, it continues to conduct a comprehensive program of safety evaluation of flavoring substances under the authority of Section 201(s) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, a provision commonly known as the GRAS (“generally recognized as safe”) provision.

Expert Panel activities primarily involve the evaluation of new flavoring substances and, at regular intervals, the reevaluation of all existing GRAS flavoring substances. The first comprehens…

Table 1 Selected FEMA GRAS Substances with multiple functions

Fig. 1—Cumulative number of flavoring substances evaluated in the FEMA GRAS, FEMA GRASr, and JECFA programs

Equation 1_annual volume

Table3 Primary names (in boldfaced capital letters, listed alphabetically) and synonyms (in lower case)Table3 Primary names (in boldfaced capital letters, listed alphabetically) and synonyms (in lower case)Table4 Use levels for new FEMA GRAS flavoring substancesTable4 Use levels for new FEMA GRAS flavoring substancesTable4 Use levels for new FEMA GRAS flavoring substancesTable4 Use levels for new FEMA GRAS flavoring substancesTable4 Use levels for new FEMA GRAS flavoring substancesTable4 Use levels for new FEMA GRAS flavoring substancesTable5 Updated Use Levels for Flavoring Substances Previously Recognized as FEMA GRAS on which the FEMA Expert Panel based its judgments that the substances are generally recognized as safe (GRAS). Superscript a represents a new use level

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