Online access an extraordinary benefit
I could not find any appropriate location on the Web site to thank you for the trial free service for online downloading of articles from Food Technology magazine. Moreover, it was not clear to me how to let you know most effectively what an extraordinary membership benefit this service is.

Food Technology is an excellent magazine, but the format is very inconvenient for archiving of particular relevant articles, because of the selection of ink colors that do not photocopy well, and the layout of columns across non-consecutive pages. The layout and paper stock are excellent for initial reading of the magazine, but neither the extracted pages nor photocopies are ideal for file archives.

The online version is visually elegant, like the paper edition, and you can maintain your editorial and educational pride in the magazine. In addition, the convenience of the online version represents the best example of efficient communication for use in professional development and information sharing.

Winning the IFT Industrial Scientist Award with Harry Levine in 1999 was a personal pleasure and benefit of IFT membership, but for overall value, this online access to IFT journals represents the highest form of IFT membership benefit for me.

Thank you to all who have helped to make this possible, and I truly hope that the benefit will be extended beyond your anticipated trial period.

—Louise Slade, Nabisco Research Fellow, Kraft Foods, East Hanover, N.J.

Editor’s reply: Food Technology will continue to be available online, but within the next few months online access will be restricted to IFT members and subscribers. Access to the online version of Journal of Food Science has been restricted to subscribers since January 2000.

Pleased with February issue
The February issue of Food Technology looks great! I’m really pleased with the rice story and the cover. I’ve been passing it around my office since it arrived.

—Heidi Christensen, Industrial Marketing Manager, USA Rice Federation, Houston, Tex.