Rosetta L. Newsome

The Institute of Food Technologists convened its second Research Summit on January 14–16, 2003, in Orlando, Fla. Forty scientists met to advance the state of understanding of microbial inactivation kinetics and models for non-log-linear survivor curves, through an in-depth interchange of information and identification of needs for further research.

Seven leading experts provided plenary presentations that served as a baseline for effective, and sometimes impassioned, discussions. The recommendati…

Kinetic Models for Microbial Survival During Processing

Kinetic Models for Microbial Survival During Processing

Kinetic Models for Microbial Survival During Processing

Kinetic Models for Microbial Survival During Processing

Kinetic Models for Microbial Survival During Processing

Kinetic Models for Microbial Survival During Processing

Kinetic Models for Microbial Survival During Processing

Kinetic Models for Microbial Survival During Processing

Kinetic Models for Microbial Survival During Processing

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