Food Technology Staff


adding carrageenan to Colby (9)15
coloring clean labels (3)19
coloring foods and beverages (1)67
texturizers build better food products (2)52
top 10 functional food trends (4)24

strategies to halt package fraud (1)76
webcast discusses food fraud (1)13

solar concentrator cleans waste streams (9)23
the diversity of food crop origins (7)19

ingredients for an era of challenge and change (9)54
increasing the ‘Maine’ sources of U.S. aquaculture (10)17
palatable proteins for complex palates (3)32
research insights spur ingredient developments (7)62
the future of alternative proteins (8)14

asthma, allergy, and the microbiome (5)16
germination decreases allergenicity of peanuts (1)12
palatable proteins for complex palates (3)32
University of Nebraska allergy researchers fight foreign invasions (8)21

asthma, allergy, and the microbiome (5)16
germination decreases allergenicity of peanuts (1)12
palatable proteins for complex palates (3)32
substantiating label claims (4)130
University of Nebraska allergy researchers fight foreign invasions (8)21

cold plasma technology close-up (3)68

consumers accept fortified chocolate (12)9
older but stronger (3)59
steeping temperature, time affect antioxidants in tea (2)12

Artificial Ingredients
coloring clean labels (3)19
top 10 functional food trends (4)24
the future of sweet (10)34

achievement awards hone excellence in food science (5)46
an epic food science event (6)30
candidates sought for 2017 Macy Award (10)70
Davidson wins Freezing Research Award (10)69
IFT honors 2016 class of fellows (6)46
Joseph receives division award (10)71
Lund receives IUFoST award (11)77
Lund receives service award (10)70
nominate for IFT achievement awards (10)69
nominations deadline for achievement awards (11)76
Roman receives flavorist award (8)81
Stone wins Harris Award (12)78

food consumption changes in South Africa since 1994 (8)48
tastes of tailgating (9)152
toasting ingredients in fermented and distilled beverages (5)50
water sales flowing, beverage category growing (3)15
what’s brewing in the global beer market (5)14
what, when, and where America eats (1)22


Buyers’ Guides
(see Directories)

feeding our furry friends (3)48
filling in nutrient gaps (4)126
sparking sustainable energy (10)55

coloring clean labels (3)19
coloring foods and beverages (1)67
ingredients for a changing consumer landscape (6)50
ingredients for an era of challenge and change (9)54
nine flavor and color developments for product formulators (11)49
searching for the sweet spot in confectionery (8)36

ingredients for a changing consumer landscape (6)50
ingredients for an era of challenge and change (9)54

Consumer Trends
(also see Consumer Trends column)
a new perspective on premium (7)30
boom times for breakfast (3)22
building a better pizza (11)23
consumers get serious about snacking (5)30
consumers prefer minimal packaging (10)11
food views: liberals versus conservatives (10)88
formulating for clean label products (1)36
fueling food science growth at IFT16 (9)25
global trend tracking (9)16
health and wellness drive food trends (1)15
ingredients for a changing consumer landscape (6)50
menu mania (10)22
modern family – U.S. household shifts (11)88
sustainability shaping purchasing decisions (2)13
tastes of tailgating (9)152
the new future of sweet (10)34
the rise of food renegades (2)44
top 10 functional food trends (4)24
what makes food brands authentic to millennials (8)92
what’s brewing in the global beer market (5)14
what, when, and where America eats (1)22

Consumer Trends column
a role reversal for ethnic foods (2)15
eating responsibly (12)12
sizing up the sandwich category (6)16
sports nutrition products power up everyday performance (8)17
the big trend to small foods (5)13
water sales flowing, beverage category growing (3)15
weight loss products: a lost opportunity (11)15


Culinary Point of View column
applying good science to create great recipes (10)14
cannabis meets culinary (3)18
chefs in the lab (6)20
culinology in product development (7)24
from line cook to certified research chef (2)21
pushing pasta past tradition (4)17
sharing her corner of the south (12)14
unraveling the science of home cooking (1)21
using culinary to showcase ingredients (9)19

--- PAGE BREAK ---

Culinary Trends
building a better pizza (11)23
finding new ways to give consumers what they want (9)49
menu mania (10)22
toasting ingredients in fermented and distilled beverages (5)50

Cutting Edge Technology column
biodegradable, transparent cellulose-based films (7)28
concentration technology produces shelf-stable milk (1)20
edible film uses milk protein (9)23
eggshell nanoparticles improve bioplastic (5)17
floating urban farm to produce dairy products (7)28
GM enhances resistance to citrus greening (1)20
improving food safety through blockchain (11)21
laser technology detects microorganisms in food (5)17
menu planning for mission to Mars (3)21
MIT students invent robotic kitchen (5)17
nitrogen enhancement increases soybean yield (11)21
protein boosts rice yield 50% (7)28
researchers create appliance to grow food from plant cells (11)21
robotic kitchen can emulate cooking skills of master chef (1)20
solar concentrator cleans waste streams (9)23
USDA will not regulate gene-edited mushroom (5)17
UV light oven disinfects produce (9)23

a big fat dispute (8)26
adding carrageenan to Colby (9)15
boom times for breakfast (3)22
concentration technology produces shelf-stable milk (1)20
extending milk’s shelf life (11)12
feeding our furry friends (3)48
floating urban farm to produce dairy products (7)28
food consumption changes in South Africa since 1994 (8)48
gut health news to digest (5)59
ingredients for a changing consumer landscape (6)50
ingredients for healthy adolescents (8)63
older but stronger (3)59
winning innovations reflect today’s food trends (9)52

Diet & Health
a big fat dispute (8)26
biomarkers and the complexities of iron deficiency (12)15
cabbage leaves don’t deliver promised benefit for mothers (9)21
cannabis meets culinary (3)18
consumers choosing healthier foods (8)14
filtering scientific noise: colorectal cancer and red/processed meat (2)22
finding new ways to give consumers what they want (9)49
healthy eating … what does it mean? (6)172
influencing consumer choice for healthier products (3)40
NC State researchers exploit plant compounds for human health (4)20
palatable proteins for complex palates (3)32
plant lectins: toxic or therapeutic (6)23
saturated confusion (8)19
searching for the sweet spot in confectionery (8)36
top 10 functional food trends (4)24
translating the dietary guidelines to consumer action (10)15
weight loss products: a lost opportunity (11)15
what makes a robust microbiome? (11)34
whole grains and health: empowering dietary change (4)46
wholly grains (2)63

Dietary Guidelines
a big fat dispute (8)26
acceptance of rice peptide in orange juice (6)13
dietary guidelines target healthy eating patterns (2)24
filtering scientific noise: colorectal cancer and red/processed meat (2)22
food political science (4)152
keeping consumers informed (7)17
saturated confusion (8)19
translating the dietary guidelines to consumer action (10)15
whole grains and health: empowering dietary change (4)46
word counts – analyzing 40 years of dietary guidelines (2)92

IFT 2016 services directory (4)57
2017 healthful foods directory (12)29

(1)84, (2)80, (3)77, (4)143, (5)78, (6)161, (7)103, (8)83, (9)119, (10)72, (11)79, (12)83

Fats and Fatty Acids
a big fat dispute (8)26
food consumption changes in South Africa since 1994 (8)48
healthful ingredients address current trends (6)99
ingredients for a changing consumer landscape (6)50
ingredients for healthy adolescents (8)63
lentils, chickpeas as burger binders (7)16
older but stronger (3)59
palatable proteins for complex palates (3)32
saturated confusion (8)19
the inside scoop on ice cream ingredients (4)114
what makes a robust microbiome? (11)34
what’s the buzz on healthful food ingredients? (9)88

--- PAGE BREAK ---

a big fat dispute (8)26
an abundance of food safety & quality (9)100
an epic food science event (6)30
a new perspective on premium (7)30
boom times for breakfast (3)22
building a better pizza (11)23
can transparency extinguish hot air? (9)46
consumers get serious about snacking (5)30
finding new ways to give consumers what they want (9)49
food consumption changes in South Africa since 1994 (8)48
food processing in action (9)110
food safety tools, databases, and more – solutions abound at the Food Expo (6)139
food science salaries in the spotlight (2)30
fueling food science growth at IFT16 (9)25
decoding the science of taste (5)18
formulating for clean label products (1)36
healthful ingredients address current trends (6)99
highlighting food safety and quality at IFT16 (6)114
how 3-D printing will shape food product development (7)53
influencing consumer choice for healthier products (3)40
ingredients for a changing consumer landscape (6)50
ingredients for an era of challenge and change (9)54
kinder, gentler food processing (12)20
living and learning food processing (6)130
menu mania (10)22
packaging solutions are neatly packaged at IFT16 (6)136
palatable proteins for complex palates (3)32
reducing added sugars with polyols (11)42
scorecard tool assists with FSMA compliance (4)52
searching for the sweet spot in confectionery (8)36
the new future of sweet (10)34
the packaging scene at IFT16 (9)112
the rise of food renegades (2)44
top 10 functional food trends (4)24
utilizing Bambara groundnut in value-added products (1)48
what makes a robust microbiome? (11)34
what’s the buzz on healthful food ingredients? (9)88
what, when, and where America eats (1)22
whole grains and health: empowering dietary change (4)46
winning innovations reflect today’s food trends (9)52
women in food science talk compensation and careers (2)39

toasting ingredients in fermented and distilled beverages (5)50
the good, the bad, and the ugly: a fermentation saga (12)16
using sourdough in gluten-free bread (10)10

bilberry byproduct adds fiber (5)11
gut health news to digest (5)59
healthful ingredients address current trends (6)99
ingredients for an era of challenge and change (9)54
reducing added sugars with polyols (11)42
sparking sustainable energy (10)55
texturizers build better food products (2)52
ways to manage weight (1)62
what makes a robust microbiome? (11)34
what’s the buzz on healthful food ingredients? (9)88

a role reversal for ethnic foods (2)15
breaking boundaries with savory ingredients (1)53
building a better pizza (11)23
consumers get serious about snacking (5)30
decoding the science of taste (5)18
delight the palate with chocolate and vanilla ingredients (10)46
global inspiration: cuisines of Europe and the Americas (8)53
ingredients for a changing consumer landscape (6)50
ingredients for an era of challenge and change (9)54
nine flavor and color developments for product formulators (11)49
research insights spur ingredient developments (7)62
searching for the sweet spot in confectionery (8)36
toasting ingredients in fermented and distilled beverages (5)50
umami boosts likeability of low-sodium foods (3)12
using culinary to showcase ingredients (9)19

Foodborne Illness
WHO estimates global burden of foodborne illnesses (2)12

Foodborne Pathogens
approaches to controlling pathogens (11)66
killing Salmonella in shell eggs (4)12
kinder, gentler food processing (12)20
laser technology detects microorganisms in food (5)17
the good, the bad, and the ugly: a fermentation saga (12)16
vegetable surfaces resist pathogens (5)12
WHO estimates global burden of foodborne illnesses (2)12

Food Laws & Regulations
calories count on menus (5)64
coloring clean labels (3)19
comments on ‘natural’ labeling (6)25
Congress passes GM bill (9)13
FDA approves GE fish (1)14
food safety for marijuana-infused edibles (3)13
food safety no longer ‘business as usual’ (5)11
modernizing food safety (2)68
new act to reduce food waste (7)15
regulating safety of cannabis edibles (12)9
scorecard tool assists with FSMA compliance (4)52
substantiating label claims (4)130
tackling food issues on a UMass scale (6)26
thinking proactively about label changes (10)10
USDA will not regulate gene-edited mushroom (5)17

Food, Medicine & Health column
asthma, allergy, and the microbiome (5)16
biomarkers and the complexities of iron deficiency (12)15
botanicals and herbs: food or medicine? (4)19
cabbage leaves don’t deliver promised benefit for mothers (9)21
coloring clean labels (3)19
filtering scientific noise: colorectal cancer and red/processed meat (2)22
plant lectins: toxic or therapeutic (6)23
raspberry ketone weight loss hype not substantiated (11)18
swallowing the consequences of dysphagia (7)27
saturated confusion (8)19
understanding the difference between hazard and risk (1)18

Food Safety
an abundance of food safety & quality (9)100
extending milk’s shelf life (11)12
food safety for marijuana-infused edibles (3)13
food safety no longer ‘business as usual’ (5)11
food safety tools, databases, and more – solutions abound at the Food Expo (6)139
highlighting food safety and quality at IFT16 (6)114
improving food safety through blockchain (11)21
killing Salmonella in shell eggs (4)12
kinder, gentler food processing (12)20
putting oysters under pressure (5)69
scorecard tool assists with FSMA compliance (4)52
the good, the bad, and the ugly: a fermentation saga (12)16
understanding the difference between hazard and risk (1)18
University of Nebraska allergy researchers fight foreign invasions (8)21
UV light oven disinfects produce (9)23

--- PAGE BREAK ---

Food Safety & Quality column
approaches to controlling pathogens (11)66
big projects targeting tiny pathogens (7)85
calories count on menus (5)64
coloring foods and beverages (1)67
fact or friction: characterizing food by tribology (12)68
modernizing food safety (2)68
product authenticity: identifying species (10)60
sizing up particles (8)69
substantiating label claims (4)130
when natural disasters affect food supply (3)64

Food Science
an epic food science event (6)30
applying good science to create great recipes (10)14
can transparency extinguish hot air? (9)46
chefs in the lab (6)20
communicating the science of food (9)9
controlled agitation for better green beans (8)13
Fear Babe promotes sound science (4)14
fueling food science growth at IFT16 (9)25
effects of eating before tasting sessions (3)12
food science salaries in the spotlight (2)30
identifying ideal tomato attributes (8)13
increasing the ‘Maine’ sources of U.S. aquaculture (10)17
nitrogen enhancement increases soybean yield (11)21
opportunities for development (5)7
reviewing satiety of fortified pasta (11)12
steeping temperature, time affect antioxidants in tea (2)12
tackling food issues on a UMass scale (6)26
talking about our profession (10)7
the future of our profession (4)9
umami boosts likeability of low-sodium foods (3)12
using science to save a population (3)16
workshop spreads food science education (7)101

a new perspective on premium (7)30
what’s eating colleges and universities (5)88

Food Snapshot
food political science (4)152
food views: liberals versus conservatives (10)88
food waste and economic loss (7)116
healthy eating … what does it mean? (6)172
modern family ­– U.S. household shifts (11)88
more and more senior moments (12)100
tastes of tailgating (9)152
10 facts about pulses (3)88
what makes brands authentic to millennials (8)92
what’s eating colleges and universities (5)88
word counts – analyzing 40 years of dietary guidelines (2)92

Food Technology
communicating the science of food (9)9
concentration technology produces shelf-stable milk (1)20
device helps identify aromas (10)12
floating urban farm to produce dairy products (7)28
laser technology detects microorganisms in food (5)17
MIT students invent robotic kitchen (5)17
researchers create appliance to grow food from plant cells (11)21
robotic kitchen can emulate cooking skills of master chef (1)20
winning innovations reflect today’s food trends (9)52

Food Waste
edible films reduce food waste (4)12
food waste and economic loss (7)116
new act to reduce food waste (7)15
strategies to halt package fraud (1)76

Functional Foods
(also see Nutraceuticals column)
consumers accept fortified chocolate (12)9
consumers get serious about snacking (5)30
healthful ingredients address current trends (6)99
ingredients for a changing consumer landscape (6)50
ingredients for an era of challenge and change (9)54
NC State researchers exploit plant compounds for human health (4)20
top 10 functional food trends (4)24
what’s the buzz on healthful food ingredients? (9)88

Genetic Modification
can transparency extinguish hot air? (9)46
comments on ‘natural’ labeling (6)25
Congress passes GM bill (9)13
eating responsibly (12)12
FDA approves GE fish (1)14
food prize honors biofortification (8)15
formulating for clean label products (1)36
GM enhances resistance to citrus greening (1)20
grains: bakery and beyond (12)53
how Food Evolution evolved and why its message matters (12)7
protein boosts rice yield 50% (7)28
substantiating label claims (4)130
University of Nebraska allergy researchers fight foreign invasions (8)21
USDA will not regulate gene-edited mushroom (5)17

Global Insights column
global trend tracking (9)16
health and wellness drive food trends (1)15
the diversity of food crop origins (7)19
using science to save a population (3)16
what’s brewing in the global beer market (5)14

building a better pizza (11)22
filling in nutrient gaps (4)126
identifying gluten from specific sources (5)10
ingredients for a changing consumer landscape (6)50
research insights spur ingredient developments (7)62
substantiating label claims (4)130
texturizers build better food products (2)52
using sourdough in gluten-free bread (10)10

Health and Wellness
consumers get serious about snacking (5)30
health and wellness drive food trends (1)15
healthful ingredients address current trends (6)99
ingredients that boost men’s health (7)80
menu mania (10)22
NC State researchers exploit plant compounds for human health (4)20
preserving and protecting joint health (11)62
research insights spur ingredient developments (7)62
societal factors influence packaging (3)70
sports nutrition products power up everyday performance (8)17
substantiating label claims (4)130
swallowing the consequences of dysphagia (7)27
tackling food issues on a UMass scale (6)26
the ups and downs of blood pressure (12)65
what’s the buzz on healthful food ingredients? (9)88

IFT Achievement Awards

IFT Annual Event
an abundance of food safety & quality (9)100
an epic food science event (6)30
can transparency extinguish hot air? (9)46
finding new ways to give consumers what they want (9)49
food processing in action (9)110
fueling food science growth at IFT16 (9)25
healthful ingredients address current trends (6)99
highlighting food safety and quality at IFT16 (6)114
IFT honors 2016 class of fellows (6)46
IFT16: be a part of something bigger (6)9
IFT16 scientific and applied sessions (6)145
ingredients for a changing consumer landscape (6)50
ingredients for an era of challenge and change (9)54
learn about CFS at IFT16 (6)160
living and learning food processing (6)130
opportunities for development (5)7
packaging solutions are neatly packaged at IFT16 (6)136
the packaging scene at IFT16 (9)112
what’s the buzz on healthful food ingredients? (9)88
winning innovations reflect today’s food trends (9)52

IFT Cares
an epic food science event (6)30

IFT Food Expo
an abundance of food safety & quality (9)100
an epic food science event (6)30
food processing in action (9)110
food safety tools, databases, and more – solutions abound at the Food Expo (6)139
fueling food science growth at IFT16 (9)25
IFT16 exhibitor profiles (9)120
ingredients for an era of challenge and change (9)54
the packaging scene at IFT16 (9)112
2016 IFT Food Expo exhibitors (6)140
what’s the buzz on healthful food ingredients? (9)88
winning innovations reflect today’s food trends (9)52

IFT Employment and Salary Survey
food science salaries in the spotlight (2)30
women in food science talk compensation and careers (2)39

--- PAGE BREAK ---

IFT Regional Section & Division Meetings
(1)80, (2)77, (3)75, (4)141, (7)102, (8)81, (9)115, (10)69, (11)77, (12)79

IFT World column
AAK hires Drew (11)78
AAK hires Reddy, Petrak (2)79
AAK taps Fog, Alexander (11)77
AAK taps Jones (10)71
A&B hires O’Neill (1)81
AMSA honors IFT members (8)82
ASABE recognizes Keener (12)80
attend IFT’s division networking reception (5)76
Bell hires Schowalter (5)77
BI Nutraceuticals promotes Kreienbrink (5)77
Burdock Group announces hires (3)76
candidates sought for 2017 Macy Award (10)70, (12)80
connect at division networking reception (6)160
Cullen, Nolte receive promotions (5)77
Davidson wins Freezing Research Award (10)69
Davis joins Berner (10)71
DDW announces competition winners (9)115
earn CFS contact hours for volunteering (2)77
employers finding value in CFS (12)78
Faridi receives Ellis Island Medal of Honor (6)158
Feeding Tomorrow scholarships open (1)81
fellows nominations now open (11)76
fellows nominations still open (2)78
Ferree ends food science run (11)77
Ferree runs for food science funding (4)140
FONA announces hire, promotion (5)77
FONA announces hires, promotions (10)71
FONA announces new positions (2)78
FONA hires Lukas (9)115
food communicators workshop returns (6)159
Ganeden promotes Bush (8)82
Gavin establishes scholarship (11)78
getting to know Arti Arora (8)82
getting to know Barbara Blakistone (4)141
getting to know Brenda Knapp-Polzin (9)115
getting to know Carl Winter (12)79
getting to know Cathy Cutter (3)75
getting to know Elizabeth Pletsch (11)76
getting to know Helen Joyner (5)75
getting to know Jennifer McEntire (1)80
getting to know Laura Willis (7)100
getting to know LuAnn Williams (2)78
getting to know Quinn Zweigle (10)70
getting to know Rob Porfiri (6)159
Gray joins HORN (12)80
hall of fame inducts Milkowski (5)76
HERB approves undergraduate programs (2)77
IFSCC appoints new chairs, commissioners (10)69
IFT announces division scholarship winners (8)80
IFT announces election results (5)75
IFT announces scholarship winners (9)116
IFT announces spring short courses (1)81
IFT board nominations open (9)114
IFT, IFST launch joint membership program (8)81
IFT launches Food Facts site (3)74
IFT members become AAAS fellows (4)140
IFT members become ASN fellows (5)75
IFT members become IAFoST fellows (7)99
IFT presents candidates for leadership election (1)79
IFT presents candidates for nominations & elections committee (2)77
IFT recognizes 50-year members (6)158
IFT recognizes section volunteers (10)69
IFT16 sessions available online (12)80
IFT webcasts highlight FSMA final rules (1)81
Ingredion appoints Zallie (1)81
IUFoST recognizes Lund and Lu (2)77
JFSE announces contest winners (9)114
JFSE announces second video contest (3)74
Joseph receives division award (10)71
Larkin wins food safety award (7)101
leadership changes at Briess (9)116
learn about CFS at IFT16 (6)160
Leveille wins Harris award (1)79
Lund receives IUFoST award (11)77
Lund receives service award (10)70
McEntire joins United Fresh (9)114
McHugh receives Macy award (4)140
McLellan to lead USDA council (7)100
members join RCA board (8)81
Microbac promotes Stawick (2)78
Minor moves to HORN (9)116
More recruiters looking for CFS on CVs (1)80
NAE elects Swartzel (3)74
Nitin receives fellowship (9)116
nominate for IFT achievement awards (10)69
nominations deadline for achievement awards (11)76
nominations deadline for IFT Fellows (1)79
NSF recognizes IFT members (7)11
Order of Canada inducts Eskin (10)71
Otto joins Wixon (3)74
PLT Health Solutions hires Stapleton (5)77
QualiTech hires Prososki (3)76
refer a friend to join IFT (3)75
Riaz, Chew to head food diversity program (8)80
Roman receives flavorist award (8)81
Santy joins Wixon (2)79
save the date: IFT16 (3)76
Schieberle presents Tanner lecture (6)158
short course highlights sensory (4)141
Snack It Forward taps Sturgill (4)140
Steward earns alumni recognition (12)78
Stone wins Harris Award (12)78
student members win travel grants (7)100
Swartzel returns to Aseptia (12)79
symposium honors Karel (7)99
Walker joins 915 Labs (11)78
Wallace moves to Kemin (3)76
Webster becomes FEMA president (8)81
WFFC names IFT members to boards (3)75
Wilson joins PROVA (3)76
Wixon promotes Kraszewski (4)140
workshop spreads food science education (7)101

(also see Ingredients column)
a new perspective on premium (7)30
building a better pizza (11)23
healthful ingredients address current trends (6)99
how dark chocolate is processed (4)134
ingredients for a changing consumer landscape (6)50
ingredients for an era of challenge and change (9)54
ingredients for healthy adolescents (8)63
ingredients that boost men’s health (7)80
searching for the sweet spot in confectionery (8)36
sharing her corner of the south (12)14
top 10 functional food trends (4)24
using culinary to showcase ingredients (9)19
what’s the buzz on healthful food ingredients? (9)88

Ingredients column
breaking boundaries with savory ingredients (1)53
delight the palate with chocolate and vanilla ingredients (10)46
feeding our furry friends (3)48
global inspiration: cuisines of Europe and the Americas (8)53
grains: bakery and beyond (12)53
nine flavor and color developments for product formulators (11)49
research insights spur ingredient developments (7)62
texturizers build better food products (2)52
toasting ingredients in fermented and distilled beverages (5)50
the inside scoop on ice cream ingredients (4)114

--- PAGE BREAK ---

the rise of food renegades (2)44

In Memoriam
(1)81, (2)78, (3)76, (4)142, (5)77, (6)160, (8)82, (9)116, (10)71, (11)78, (12)80

Inside Academia column
increasing the ‘Maine’ sources of U.S. aquaculture (10)17
NC State researchers exploit plant compounds for human health (4)20
tackling food issues on a UMass scale (6)26
the good, the bad, and the ugly: a fermentation saga (12)16
UC Davis researchers elevate prestige of olives and olive oil (2)25
University of Nebraska allergy researchers fight foreign invasions (8)21

calories count on menus (5)64
clean label important but undefined (6)14
clean label tops trends (4)15
coloring clean labels (3)19
coloring foods and beverages (1)67
comments on ‘natural’ labeling (6)25
Congress passes GM bill (9)13
consumers get serious about snacking (5)30
delight the palate with chocolate and vanilla ingredients (10)46
formulating for clean label products (1)36
highlighting food safety and quality at IFT16 (6)114
honey appeals for clean label (12)11
how labels affect perception (12)9
ingredients for an era of challenge and change (9)54
kinder, gentler food processing (12)20
new act to reduce food waste (7)15
nine flavor and color developments for product formulators (11)49
reducing added sugars with polyols (11)42
research insights spur ingredient developments (7)62
substantiating label claims (4)130
the inside scoop on ice cream ingredients (4)114
thinking proactively about label changes (10)10
transparency drives consumer preference (9)14
University of Nebraska allergy researchers fight foreign invasions (8)21

how hummus is processed (7)91
ingredients for a changing consumer landscape (6)50
lentils, chickpeas as burger binders (7)16
palatable proteins for complex palates (3)32
plant lectins: toxic or therapeutic (6)23
10 facts about pulses (3)88
2016 is the year of the pulse (2)12
utilizing Bambara groundnut in value-added products (1)48
ways to manage weight (1)62


asthma, allergy, and the microbiome (5)16
forecasting the future of food (3)12
tackling food issues on a UMass scale (6)26
what makes a robust microbiome? (11)34

gut health news to digest (5)59
ingredients for healthy adolescents (8)63
laser technology detects microorganisms in food (5)17
the good, the bad, and the ugly: a fermentation saga (12)16
toasting ingredients in fermented and distilled beverages (5)50
what makes a robust microbiome? (11)34

biomarkers and the complexities of iron deficiency (12)15
food prize honors biofortification (8)15
grains: bakery and beyond (12)53
older but stronger (3)59
top 10 functional food trends (4)24
using science to save a population (3)16

eggshell nanoparticles improve bioplastic (5)17

a new perspective on premium (7)30
biomarkers and the complexities of iron deficiency (12)15
coloring foods and beverages (1)67
comments on ‘natural’ labeling (6)25
eating responsibly (12)12
formulating for clean label products (1)36
healthful ingredients address current trends (6)99
ingredients for a changing consumer landscape (6)50
ingredients for an era of challenge and change (9)54
palatable proteins for complex palates (3)32
searching for the sweet spot in confectionery (8)36
substantiating label claims (4)130
the rise of food renegades (2)44
top 10 functional food trends (4)24

News column
acceptance of rice peptide in orange juice (6)13
adding carrageenan to Colby (9)15
an alternative to wasabi (9)13
appeal of daypart-specific products (11)12
bilberry byproduct adds fiber (5)11
buckwheat, millet enhance wheat properties (6)12
building food systems for space travel (5)12
carrot pulp increases puffiness (6)13
clean label important but undefined (6)14
clean label tops trends (4)15
Congress passes GM bill (9)13
consumers accept fortified chocolate (12)9
consumers choosing healthier foods (8)14
consumers prefer minimal packaging (10)11
controlled agitation for better green beans (8)13
device helps identify aromas (10)12
Fear Babe promotes sound science (4)14
edible films reduce food waste (4)12
effects of eating before tasting sessions (3)12
eliminating garlic breath (11)13
enhancing canola oil (9)14
examining generational eating patterns (7)15
extending milk’s shelf life (11)12
FDA approves GE fish (1)14
FDA redefining ‘healthy’ (11)14
food prize honors biofortification (8)15
food safety for marijuana-infused edibles (3)13
food safety no longer ‘business as usual’ (5)11
forecasting the future of food (3)12
germination decreases allergenicity of peanuts (1)12
graphics help eaters choose better foods (3)14
growth potential for big food (10)10
honey appeals for clean label (12)11
how labels affect perception (12)9
how minerals, heavy metals affect honey (2)14
identifying gluten from specific sources (5)10
identifying ideal tomato attributes (8)13
identifying preferences for strawberry jam (7)15
JFS launches 75th anniversary virtual issue (1)12
keeping consumers informed (7)17
killing Salmonella in shell eggs (4)12
lentils, chickpeas as burger binders (7)16
new act to reduce food waste (7)15
news bites (1)12, (2)13, (3)13, (4)13, (5)10, (6)13, (7)16, (8)14, (9)14, (10)11, (11)13, (12)10
panelists share entrepreneurial expertise (12)10
preferred sweetness same after low-sugar diet (1)13
protein increases satiety (4)13
regulating safety of cannabis edibles (12)9
reviewing satiety of fortified pasta (11)12
steeping temperature, time affect antioxidants in tea (2)12
structural changes in fried foods (5)10
sustainability shaping purchasing decisions (2)13
the future of alternative proteins (8)14
thinking proactively about label changes (10)10
transparency drives consumer preference (9)14
2016 is the year of the pulse (2)12
umami boosts likeability of low-sodium foods (3)12
using sourdough in gluten-free bread (10)10
vegetable surfaces resist pathogens (5)12
webcast discusses food fraud (1)13
WHO estimates global burden of foodborne illnesses (2)12

New Products column
(1)16, (2)16, (3)17, (4)16, (5)15, (6)19, (7)20, (8)18, (9)18, (10)13, (11)17, (12)13

--- PAGE BREAK ---

Nutraceuticals column
filling in nutrient gaps (4)126
gut health news to digest (5)59
ingredients for healthy adolescents (8)63
ingredients that boost men’s health (7)80
older but stronger (3)59
preserving and protecting joint health (11)62
sparking sustainable energy (10)55
the ups and downs of blood pressure (12)65
ways to manage weight (1)62
wholly grains (2)63

a big fat dispute (8)26
buckwheat, millet enhance wheat properties (6)12
ingredients for an era of challenge and change (9)54
ingredients that boost men’s health (7)80
keeping consumers informed (7)17
plant lectins: toxic or therapeutic (6)23
sports nutrition products power up everyday performance (8)17
tackling food issues on a UMass scale (6)26

how nut and seed butters are processed (11)70
ingredients for a changing consumer landscape (6)50
palatable proteins for complex palates (3)32
searching for the sweet spot in confectionery (8)36
what’s the buzz on healthful food ingredients? (9)88

a big fat dispute (8)26
NC State researchers exploit plant compounds for human health (4)20
raspberry ketone weight loss hype not substantiated (11)18
weight loss products: a lost opportunity (11)15
what makes a robust microbiome? (11)34

Online Exclusives
beyond the basic five (5)
do this, not that: job hunting tips from the experts (2)
experts offer recommendations for adding flavor to formulations (11)
fast-casual pizzerias driving innovation (11)
FDA overhauls nutrition facts label (6)
food safety: no longer ‘business as usual’ (7)
new product explorations (3), (9)
PLMA show trends and elevated at-home cocktails (12)
snacking across categories (5)
sugar in candy doesn’t deter most consumers (8)

Organic Foods
eating responsibly (12)12
ingredients for a changing consumer landscape (6)50
searching for the sweet spot in confectionery (8)36
substantiating label claims (4)130

(also see Packaging column)
eggshell nanoparticles improve bioplastic (5)17
packaging solutions are neatly packaged at IFT16 (6)136
the packaging scene at IFT16 (9)112

Packaging column
consumer convenience pivots package innovation (8)77
food packaging research: a global effort (4)137
increasing agility in the packaging value chain (10)66
innovations in plastic food packaging (11)73
modified atmosphere packaging expands (5)72
opening innovation with closures (2)75
packaging shapes up and feels great (12)75
reducing the cost of food packaging (7)95
societal factors influence packaging (3)70
strategies to halt package fraud (1)76

Perspective column
sourcing protein for pets (1)92

consumers accept fortified chocolate (12)9
ingredients for a changing consumer landscape (6)50
NC State researchers exploit plant compounds for human health (4)20
raspberry ketone weight loss hype not substantiated (11)18
UC Davis researchers elevate the prestige of olives and olive oil (2)25

Plant Foods
controlled agitation for better green beans (8)13
feeding our furry friends (3)48
filling in nutrient gaps (4)126
finding new ways to give consumers what they want (9)49
food consumption changes in South Africa since 1994 (8)48
formulating for clean label products (1)36
grains: bakery and beyond (12)53
how hummus is processed (7)91
NC State researchers exploit plant compounds for human health (4)20
older but stronger (3)59
palatable proteins for complex palates (3)32
plant lectins: toxic or therapeutic (6)23
the diversity of food crop origins (7)19
UC Davis researchers elevate the prestige of olives and olive oil (2)25
utilizing Bambara groundnut in value-added products (1)48
vegetable surfaces resist pathogens (5)12
what makes a robust microbiome? (11)34

gut health news to digest (5)59
healthful ingredients address current trends (6)99
ingredients for healthy adolescents (8)63
older but stronger (3)59
what makes a robust microbiome? (11)34

President’s Message column
a vote for volunteerism (2)9
communicating the science of food (9)9
connecting our profession (10)9
connecting with IFT sections and divisions (3)9
how Food Evolution evolved and why its message matters (12)7
IFT16: be a part of something bigger (6)9
looking ahead (1)9
opportunities for development (5)7
reflections on our member commitment (7)11
talking about our profession (10)7
thank you for a year of unforgettable progress (8)9
the future of our profession (4)9

--- PAGE BREAK ---

gut health news to digest (5)59
healthful ingredients address current trends (6)99
ingredients for healthy adolescents (8)63
older but stronger (3)59
tackling food issues on a UMass scale (6)26
the good, the bad, and the ugly: a fermentation saga (12)16
what makes a robust microbiome? (11)34

(also see Processing column)
eating responsibly (12)12
edible films reduce food waste (4)12
extending milk’s shelf life (11)12
food processing in action (9)110
how nut and seed butters are processed (11)70
increasing the ‘Maine’ sources of U.S. aquaculture (10)17
kinder, gentler food processing (12)20
living and learning food processing (6)130
radio frequency processing of food (8)73
structural changes in fried foods (5)10
the good, the bad, and the ugly: a fermentation saga (12)16

Processing column
cold plasma technology close-up (3)68
how dark chocolate is processed (4)134
how hummus is processed (7)91
how tofu is processed (2)72
microwave processing heats up (10)63
pulsed electric field processing for fruits and vegetables (1)73
putting oysters under pressure (5)69
putting ultrasound to use in food processing (12)72

Product Development
appeal of daypart-specific products (11)12
building food systems for space travel (5)12
culinology in product development (7)24
decoding the science of taste (5)18
formulating for clean label products (1)36
global inspiration: cuisines of Europe and the Americas (8)53
global trend tracking (9)16
how 3-D printing will shape food product development (7)53
kinder, gentler food processing (12)20
nine flavor and color developments for product formulators (11)49
research insights spur ingredient developments (7)62
texturizers build better food products (2)52
the rise of food renegades (2)44
utilizing Bambara groundnut in value-added products (1)48

a big fat dispute (8)26
boom times for breakfast (3)22
edible film uses milk protein (9)23
feeding our furry friends (3)48
filling in nutrient gaps (4)126
finding new ways to give consumers what they want (9)49
food consumption changes in South Africa since 1994 (8)48
healthful ingredients address current trends (6)99
how tofu is processed (2)72
ingredients for a changing consumer landscape (6)50
ingredients for healthy adolescents (8)63
menu mania (10)22
older but stronger (3)59
palatable proteins for complex palates (3)32
plant lectins: toxic or therapeutic (6)23
preserving and protecting joint health (11)62
protein boosts rice yield 50% (7)28
protein increases satiety (4)13
sharing her corner of the south (12)14
sourcing protein for pets (1)92
the future of alternative proteins (8)14
University of Nebraska allergy researchers fight foreign invasions (8)21
utilizing Bambara groundnut in value-added products (1)48
ways to manage weight (1)62
what’s the buzz on healthful food ingredients? (9)88

RCA Show

protein increases satiety (4)13

Science and Policy Initiatives column
comments on ‘natural’ labeling (6)25
dietary guidelines target healthy eating patterns (2)24
translating the dietary guidelines to consumer action (10)15
why is IFT involved in Codex? (8)20

increasing the ‘Maine’ sources of U.S. aquaculture (10)17
putting oysters under pressure (5)69

Sensory Perception
decoding the science of taste (5)18
preferred sweetness same after low-sugar diet (1)13

Sea Vegetables
increasing the ‘Maine’ sources of U.S. aquaculture (10)17
palatable proteins for complex palates (3)32
research insights spur ingredient developments (7)62

a new perspective on premium (7)30
consumers get serious about snacking (5)30
examining generational eating patterns (7)15
grains: bakery and beyond (12)53
what, when, and where America eats (1)22

breaking boundaries with savory ingredients (1)53
consumers get serious about snacking (5)30
finding new ways to give consumers what they want (9)49
research insights spur ingredient developments (7)62
umami boosts likeability of low-sodium foods (3)12

a big fat dispute (8)26
consumers get serious about snacking (5)30
examining generational eating patterns (7)15
food consumption changes in South Africa since 1994 (8)48
preferred sweetness same after low-sugar diet (1)13
reducing added sugars with polyols (11)42
the inside scoop on ice cream ingredients (4)114
the new future of sweet (10)34

--- PAGE BREAK ---

SupplySide Show
(9)117, (10)74

food views: liberals versus conservatives (10)88
highlighting food safety and quality at IFT16 (6)114
menu mania (10)22
opening innovation with closures (2)75
sustainability shaping purchasing decisions (2)13

formulating for clean label products (1)36
honey appeals for clean label (12)11
ingredients for a changing consumer landscape (6)50
ingredients for an era of challenge and change (9)54
preferred sweetness same after low-sugar diet (1)13
the new future of sweet (10)34

ingredients for a changing consumer landscape (6)50
ingredients for an era of challenge and change (9)54
steeping temperature, time affect antioxidants in tea (2)12

water sales flowing, beverage category growing (3)15

Weight Management
influencing consumer choice for healthier products (3)40
raspberry ketone weight loss hype not substantiated (11)18
ways to manage weight (1)62
weight loss products: a lost opportunity (11)15

Whole Grains
formulating for clean label products (1)36
grains: bakery and beyond (12)53
healthful ingredients address current trends (6)99
identifying gluten from specific sources (5)10
wholly grains (2)63
face-to-face: meet Ana Paula Craig(10)9
face-to-face: meet Carole Tonello (8)10
face-to-face: meet Gabriel Keith Harris (1)11
face-to-face: meet Ian Gordon (9)10
face-to-face: meet Holly Ramage (4)10
face-to-face: meet Jesse Stinson (5)9
face-to-face: meet Marcia Walker (11)10
face-to-face: meet Michael Bush (7)12
face-to-face: meet Randy Kreienbrink (3)10
face-to-face: meet Rosemary Sikora (2)10
face-to-face: meet Ryan Dowdy (6)10
face-to-face: meet Tisa Drew (12)8

--- PAGE BREAK ---

Aelvoet, Isabelle (1)92
Balasubramaniam, V.M. (12)20
Bartelme, Melanie Zanoza (1)12, (1)16, (1)79, (2)12, (2)16, (2)77, (3)12, (3)17, (3)74, (4)12, (4)16, (4)140, (5)10, (5)15, (5)30, (5)75, (6)12, (6)19, (6)50, (6)158, (7)15, (7)20, (7)99, (8)13, (8)18, (8)36, (8)80, (9)13, (9)18, (9)54, (9)114, (10)10, (10)13, (10)69, (11)12, (11)17, (11)22, (11)76, (12)9, (12)13, (12)78
Camire, Mary Ellen (4)46
Casey, Lewie (4)52
Clemens, Roger (1)18, (2)22, (3)19, (4)19, (4)52, (5)16, (6)23, (7)27, (8)19, (9)21, (11)18, (12)15
Coupland, John (9)9, (10)7, (11)9, (12)7
Dennis, Colin (1)9, (2)9, (3)9, (4)9, (5)7, (6)9, (7)11, (8)9
Despain, David (1)44
Dubey, Anshul (7)53
Edge, Marianne Smith (10)15
Hayes, A. Wallace (1)18, (2)22
Heckman, Niedre M. (4)52
Hensel, Kelly (1)11, (1)21, (2)10, (2)21, (3)10, (3)18, (4)10, (4)17, (5)9, (6)10, (6)20, (7)12, (7)24, (8)10, (9)10, (9)19, (10)9, (10)14, (11)10, (12)8, (12)14
Ho, Emily (4)46
Husain, Ash (12)20
Ivens, Barbara J. (10)15
Jamieson, Peter (11)42
Jideani, Victoria A. (1)48
King, John (3)40
Kingsley, David (5)69
Kruger, Claire (1)18, (2)22
Kuhn, Mary Ellen (2)30, (2)39, (5)18, (6)30, (9)24
Marquart, Leonard F. (4)46
McHugh, Tara (1)73, (2)72, (3)68, (4)134, (5)69, (6)130, (7)91, (8)73, (9)100, (10)63, (11)70, (12)72
Mermelstein, Neil (1)67, (2)68, (3)64, (4)130, (5)64, (6)114, (7)85, (8)69, (9)100, (10)60, (11)66, (12)68
Mohamedshah, Farida (2)24, (6)25, (10)15
Moskowitz, Howard (3)40
Nachay, Karen (1)15, (1)53, (2)52, (3)16, (3)48, (4)114, (5)14, (5)50, (6)50, (7)19, (7)62, (8)53, (9)16, (9)54, (10)46, (11)49, (12)53
Newsome, Rosie (8)20
Niemira, Brendan A. (3)68
Ohr, Linda Milo (1)62, (2)63, (3)59, (4)126, (5)59, (6)99, (7)80, (8)63, (9)88, (10)55, (11)62, (12)65
Ronquest-Ross, Lisa-Claire (8)48
Sand, Claire Koelsch (1)76, (2)75, (3)70, (4)137, (5)72, (6)136, (7)95, (8)77, (9)112, (10)66, (11)73, (12)75
Schierhorn, Carolyn (3)22
Shimek, Justin (10)34
Shimek, Lauren (10)34
Sloan, A. Elizabeth (1)22, (2)15, (3)15, (4)24, (5)13, (6)16, (7)30, (8)17, (9)49, (10)22, (11)15, (12)12
Stewart, Aura (4)52
Swider, Marlene Garcia (4)52
Swientek, Bob (9)52
Tarver, Toni (2)25, (3)32, (4)20, (6)26, (8)21, (8)26, (9)46, (10)17, (11)34, (12)16
Toepfl, Stefan (1)73
Wan, Jason (12)20
Wicker, Louise (3)40
Williams, LuAnn (1)36
Yeik, Glenn D. (4)52
Yusef, Ahmed E. (12)20