A study published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology finds that approximately 4% of Americans have a food allergy, with women and Asians the most affected. For the study, the researchers reviewed nearly 3 million medical records identifying more than 97,000 patients who suffered from one or more food allergies or an intolerance to a food.

They found that the most common allergy was to shellfish, such as shrimp and lobster. In addition, 1 in 6 Americans with a food allergy or intolerance had a documented anaphylaxis event. Other common food allergies included fruits or vegetables, dairy, and peanuts. Food allergies can lead to reactions such as hives, anaphylaxis, shortness of breath, wheezing, itching, swelling, or allergic-like reactions called intolerances.

Additionally, nearly 13,000 patients were allergic or had an intolerance to peanuts, including more than 7,000 who had experienced hives, anaphylaxis, or other reactions. However, only 20% of patients with a peanut allergy received follow-up allergy testing.


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