Prebiotics are non-digestible food components that promote the growth of beneficial microorganisms in the intestine. In doing so, they support the body in building a healthier and more balanced environment within the gut, which can lead to several positive health outcomes, including:
Prebiotics naturally occur in a variety of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, including:
News about ingredient companies and other food industry suppliers
IFT President Christopher Daubert reflects on IFT’s role in establishing trust in the food system.
This controversial food classification system raises reasonable questions about ultra-processed foods, but we need to think critically about what it fails to factor in.
University of Copenhagen professor Susanne Gjedsted Bügel is leading a unique two-year project designed to develop the next generation of the Nova classification system.
Joanne Slavin, a food scientist and former member of the U.S. Dietary Guidelines for Americans advisory committee weighs in on the soon-to-be-released 2025-30 report.
News about food industry suppliers, including new product rollouts and research findings.
In this podcast we’ll focus on some of nature’s herbs, spices and the extracts that offer potential health benefits. We'll also talk with the article's author, Linda Ohr, about what the research tells us, as well as some entrepreneurial companies who have tapped these spices' hidden potential for their current and future product innovation.