K-12 Teaching Resources

Feeding Tomorrow, IFT’s Foundation, is committed to encouraging young minds to pursue careers in the science of food. To meet the challenges ahead of us, the world needs the brightest minds engaged in the science of food in order to feed a projected population of 9 billion by 2050.  

IFT K-12 Call for Volunteers

Explore IFT resources and volunteer opportunities in the K-12 pipeline to food science.

Watch the K-12 Volunteer Video
NEW! Explore a virtual experience “From Milk to Ice Cream and the (Food) Science behind It” by taking a journey through real facilities of ice cream production.

Watch video


Classroom Resources and Lessons

Fight Bac! Food Safety

Organization: PFSE
Permission: Yes
Topics: General, Micro

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How Does Food Change When It's Cooked?

Organization: Private Site
Permission: Yes with logo
Topics: General, Chemistry, Processing

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How Greasy are your Potato Chips?

Organization: Science Buddies
Permission: Yes
Topics: Health

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Testing the 5-Second Rule

Organization: UGA Extension
Topics: Micro

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Abracadabra!  Transforming Yogurt into Raviolis

Organization: Science Buddies
Permission: Display with logo required
Topics: Sensory

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Egg Substitutes

Organization: Science Buddies
Permission: Display with logo required
Topics: Chemistry

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Fight Bac! Food Safety

Organization: PFFSE
Permission: Yes
Topics: Micro

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How Greasy are your Potato Chips

Organization: Science Buddies
Permission: Display with logo required
Topics: General, Health

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In the Mix

Organization: UGA Extension
Permission: Yes
Topics: Chemistry

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Investigate the optimal starter cultures for making yogurt from whole milk

Organization: Science Buddies
Permission: Display with logo required
Topics: Sensory, Processing

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One of these Things is Not Like the Other

Organization: UGA Extension
Topics: Sensory

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Testing the 5-Second Rule

Organization: UGA Extension
Topics: Micro

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The Perfect Package

Organization: UGA Extension
Topics: General, Processing

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The Tomato...Flavorful or Flavorless

Organization: UGA Extension
Topics: Sensory

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A Chilling Investigation

Organization: Ag in the Classroom
Permission: Yes
Topics: Micro

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Abracadabra!  Transforming Yogurt into Raviolis

Organization: Science Buddies
Permission: Display with logo required
Topics: Sensory

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Blue's the Clue: Souring Milk for Science

Organization: Ag in the Classroom
Permission: Yes
Topics: Processing

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Burning Calories...Literally!

Organization: Science Buddies
Permission: Yes with logo
Topics: Chemistry, Health

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Chain of Food

Organization: Ag in the Classroom
Permission: Yes
Topics: General, Micro, Processing

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Choice Cheesecakes: Which Backing Method is Best?

Organization: Science Buddies
Permission: Yes with logo
Topics: Chemistry, Sensory, Processing

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Cooking Right: The Science of Cooking a Hamburger

Organization: Ag in the Classroom
Permission: Yes
Topics: Mirco

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Crossed Up!

Organization: Ag in the Classroom
Permission: Yes
Topics: Mirco

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Cruisin' for a Brusin' Food Packaging Specialist

Organization: Ag in the Classroom
Topics: Processing

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Egg Substitutes

Organization: Science Buddies
Permission: Yes with logo
Topics: Chemistry

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Electrifying Beverages

Organization: UGA Extension
Permission: Yes
Topics: Chemistry

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Energy Content of Food

Organization: UGA Extension
Permission: Yes
Topics: Chemistry, Health

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Fight Bac! Food Safety

Organization: PFFSE
Permission: Yes
Topics: Micro

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Food Fight!

Organization: UGA Extension
Permission: Yes
Topics: Micro, Chemistry, Sensory, Careers, Processing

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Food Safety Sleuths: Food Safety Specialist

Organization: Ag in the Classroom
Permission: Yes
Topics: Micro

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Food Science Discovered

Organization: UGA Extension
Permission: Yes
Topics: Careers

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Food Scientist for a Day

Organization: Ag in the Classroom
Permission: Yes
Topics: General, Chemistry, Processing

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FoodMASTER Middle: Eggs

Organization: Ag in the Classroom
Permission: Yes
Topics: Chemistry

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From Bitter to Sweet: How Sugar Content Changes in Ripening

Organization: Science Buddies
Permission: Yes with Logo
Topics: Chemistry, Sensory

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From the Eyes of An Infections Pathogen

Organization: UGA Extension
Permission: Yes
Topics: Micro

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Hands Off, Bacteria!

Organization: Ag in the Classroom
Permission: Yes
Topics: Micro

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In the Mix

Organization: UGA Extension
Permission: Yes
Topics: Chemistry

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Investigate the optimal starter cultures for making yogurt from

Organization: Science Buddies
Permission: Yes with Logo
Topics: Micro, Sensory, Processing

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Mix It Up! Food Scientist

Organization: Ag in the Classroom
Permission: Yes
Topics: Careers

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Mystery Juice

Organization: Ag in the Classroom
Permission: Yes
Topics: Careers

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One of these Things is Not Like the Other

Organization: UGA Extension
Topics: Sensory

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Outbreak Alert: Shigella

Organization: Ag in the Classroom
Permission: Yes
Topics: Micro

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Perfecting Pastries: The Role of Fats in Making a Delicious

Organization: Science Buddies
Permission: Yes with Logo
Topics: Chemistry, Sensory

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Strawberry DNA Forever

Organization: UGA Extension
Permission: Yes with Logo
Topics: Chemistry, Sensory

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Supermarket Smarts

Organization: Ag in the Classroom
Permission: Yes
Topics: Processing

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The Perfect Package

Organization: UGA Extension
Permission: Yes
Topics: General, Sensory

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The Tomato...Flavorful or Flavorless

Organization: UGA Extension
Permission: Yes
Topics: Sensory

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To Pop or Not to Pop

Organization: UGA Extension
Permission: Yes
Topics: General, Chemistry

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Ultra High Pressure Treatment

Organization: Ag in the Classroom
Permission: Yes
Topics: Processing

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Understanding Bacteria

Organization: Ag in the Classroom
Permission: Yes
Topics: Micro, Processing

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Basic Synthesis

Organization: UGA Extension
Permission: Yes
Topics: Chemistry

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Blue's the Clue: Souring Milk for Science

Organization: Ag in the Classroom
Permission: Yes
Topics: Micro, Processing

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Chain of Food

Organization: Ag in the Classroom
Permission: Yes
Topics: General, Micro, Processing

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Choice Cheesecakes: Which Backing Method is Best?

Organization: Science Buddies
Permission: Yes with logo
Topics: Chemistry, Sensory, Processing

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Coliform Counts

Organization: Ag in the Classroom
Permission: Yes
Topics: Micro

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Cooking Right: The Science of Cooking a Hamburger

Organization: Ag in the Classroom
Permission: Yes
Topics: Micro

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Develop Your Own Soda Pop Recipe

Organization: Science Buddies
Permission: Yes with Logo
Topics: Chemistry, Sensory, Processing

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Do Oranges Lose or Gain Vitamin C after being picked?

Organization: Science Buddies
Permission: Yes with logo
Topics: Chemistry, Processing, Health

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Energy Content of Food

Organization: UGA Extension
Permission: Yes
Topics: Chemistry, Health

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Experiment 2: Peroxide Value (Titration)

Organization: New Zealand Institute of Food Science and Technology, Inc.
Permission: Yes, created by the University of Otago in Dunedin, New  Zealand
Topics: Chemistry

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Experiment 3: Extraction of Fats from Foods (Gravimetric Analysis)

Organization: New Zealand Institute of Food Science and Technology, Inc.
Permission: Yes, created by the University of Otago in Dunedin, New Zealand
Topics: Chemistry

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Experiment 4: Presence of Protein in Foods (Qualitative Analysis)

Organization: New Zealand Institute of Food Science and Technology, Inc.
Permission: Yes, created by the University of Otago in Dunedin, New Zealand
Topics: Chemistry, Sensory

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Experiment 5: Monitoring changes in lactic acid concentration and pH during the production of sour cream

Organization: New Zealand Institute of Food Science and Technology, Inc.
Permission: Yes, created by the University of Otago in Dunedin, New Zealand
Topics: Chemistry, Processing

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Experiment 6: Isolating bacteria from sour cream

Organization: New Zealand Institute of Food Science and Technology, Inc.
Permission: Yes, created by the University of Otago in Dunedin, New Zealand
Topics: Chemistry, Processing

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Fast-Food Footwork

Organization: Ag in the Classroom
Permission: Yes
Topics: Micro, Careers, Health

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Flavor of Organic Chemistry

Organization: UGA Extension
Permission: Yes
Topics: Chemistry, Sensory

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Food Fight!

Organization: UGA Extension
Permission: Yes
Topics: General, Micro, Chemistry, Sensory, Careers, Processing

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Food Science Discovered

Organization: UGA Extension
Permission: Yes
Topics: Chemistry, Processing

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Food Science: Bread Dough Challenge

Organization: Ag in the Classroom
Permission: Yes
Topics: Chemistry, Processing

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From Bitter to Sweet: How Sugar Content Changes in Ripening

Organization: Science Buddies
Permission: Yes with Logo
Topics: Chemistry, Sensory

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How Sweet It Is

Organization: UGA Extension
Permission: Yes
Topics: Chemistry, Sensory

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Mystery Juice

Organization: Ag in the Classroom
Permission: Yes
Topics: Chemistry, Sensory

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Outbreak Investigation:Salmonella Muenchen

Organization: Ag in the Classroom
Permission: Yes
Topics: Micro

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Perfecting Pastries: The Role of Fats in Making a Delicious

Organization: Science Buddies
Permission: Yes with Logo
Topics: Chemistry, Sensory

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Secondary Teaching Resources

Organization: New Zealand Institute of Food Science and Technology, Inc.
Permission: Yes, created by the University of Otago in Dunedin, New Zealand
Topics: General, Micro, Chemistry

Visit the Site


Organization: UGA Extension
Permission: Yes
Topics: Chemistry

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Strawberry DNA

Organization: UGA Extension
Permission: Yes
Topics: Micro

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The Perfect Package

Organization: UGA Extension
Permission: Yes
Topics: General, Processing

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To Pop or Not to Pop

Organization: UGA Extension
Permission: Yes
Topics: General, Chemistry

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Understanding Bacteria

Organization: Ag in the Classroom
Permission: Yes
Topics: Micro, Processing

Visit the Site

Thank you to Science Buddies for their sharing their resources.

Science Buddies

Thank you to our partners Cue Career and Pathful for their support of Feeding Tomorrow’s Motivate Promise.

Cue Career logo     Pathful logo

Food Science Videos

A special thanks to Jordan Jernigan and Lilian Senger for curating the following K-12 Food Science Video list produced by graduate students at Chapman University.

Food Ingredients and Labelling

Video Titles
Author, Year Created  Active Learning Techniques  Food Science Fields
NGSS Domains
Looking closer at methylcellulose Kristen Shiba, 2020   Food Chemistry  
Changing Panels for a Changing Population Why an Increase in Preventable Chronic Diseases Spurred a Nutrition Facts Label Refresh
Rebecca Smith, 2020
Questioning, Hands-on activity
Dietetics and Nutrition; Marketing and Regulations
Flavors and You!
Nick Stiebris, 2020
  Marketing and Regulations
Titanium Dioxide Made Simple
Aldrin Duarte, 2020
  Food Chemistry; Marketing and Regulations

Food Chemistry

Video Titles
Author, Year Created  Active Learning Techniques  Food Science Fields
NGSS Domains
Pea-NOT Butter Baking: Sunflower Butter as a Baking Substitute Kayla McCormack, 2021 Kitchen experiments Food Chemistry PS
De-greening of sunflower protein isolate by Cysteine and Glutathione Akira Ishii, 2020 Food Chemistry P.S.
What Stinks About COVID-19: Understanding Taste Perception Georgia Sampson, 2021 Questioning, Hands-on activity Food Chemistry; Molecular Biology P.S., L.S.


Video Titles
Author, Year Created  Active Learning Techniques  Food Science Fields
NGSS Domains
The World of Catechins and Its Potential to Boost Skeletal Muscles Kristin Cheng, 2021 Dietetics and Nutrition; Food Chemistry L.S., P.S.
Upcycling Almond Skins For Fiber Supplementation To Support Digestive Health Sarah Shattuck, 2021 Kitchen experiment Dietetics and Nutrition; Sustainability; New Product Development P.S., ETS, ESS
The Impact Processing On Bovine Milk Extracellular Vesicles and Their Role in Human Gut Health Anna Colella, 2020 Molecular Biology; Dietetics and Nutrition L.S.

Food Microbiology and Food Safety

Video Titles
Author, Year Created  Active Learning Techniques  Food Science Fields
NGSS Domains
Pork in Ground Beef: An Accident or Intentional? Aliya Amin, 2020 Experimental design Food Safety; Molecular Biology; Quality Assurance L.S., P.S.
Go With Your Gut Jordan Skolnick, 2021 Microbiology L.S.
Breaking Down Apple Cider Vinegar: The In-Cider Information Sean Xu, 2021 Kitchen experiment Microbiology; Molecular Biology; Food Processing L.S., P.S.
Finding Microorganism to Produce Low-to-No Alcohol Beer Amanda Tabb, 2021 Microbiology; Food Processing

The Roleplayer's Path: The Norovirus Pathogen Miriam Abundez-Guerra, 2021 Questioning Dietetics and Nutrition; Food Safety; Microbiology LS
Woody Chicken Breast Mariah Baldeo, 2021 Quality Assurance P.S.

Food Processing and Engineering

Video Titles
Author, Year Created  Active Learning Techniques  Food Science Fields
NGSS Domains
UHPH: Ultra High-Pressure Homogenization Zoe Garcia, 2020 Kitchen experiment Engineering; Food Processing P.S., ETS
Pasteurization: Milk Myths & Proven Facts Grace Marquis, 2021 Kitchen experiment Food Processing; Microbiology L.S., P.S.
What is an e-tongue? Melissa Clark, 2021 Engineering; Food Processing; Quality Assurance P.S., ETS
Artificial intelligence to better utilize synergistic effects of micronutrients in our Food Natalie Paterson, 2021 Food Processing; Engineering; Environmental Science P.S., ETS, ESS


Video Titles
Author, Year Created  Active Learning Techniques  Food Science Fields
NGSS Domains
The Use of Shrimp Shell Waste to Biodegradable Plastic Phosda Pak, 2021 Experimental design Food Chemistry; Sustainability; New Product Development P.S., ETS, ESS
Can Upcycled Spent Coffee Grounds Help You Lose Weight? Jordan Jernigan, 2021 Kitchen experiment Dietetics and Nutrition; Sustainability L.S., ESS
Pomegranate Peels the Future Fungicide Michelle Jin, 2021 Kitchen experiment Agricultural Science; Food Chemistry; Sustainability; New Product Development P.S., ETS, ESS

LS = Life Science
P.S. = Physical Science
ETS = Engineering, Technology, and Applications of Science
ESS = Earth and Space Science
NGSS - Next Generation Science Standards