Aaron L. Brody

Thou Shalt Not Pass—Barrier Plastic Packaging
Barrier is defined in many ways by food packaging practitioners. Some deal with physical protection. Others are obsessed with liquid moving through passages; still others with water vapor. Since the emergence of plastic materials as practical package materials, oxygen has been the principal environmental culprit whose movement must be controlled. For about a quarter century, or since the development of polyester as a carbonated beverage bottle structu…PACKAGING

Fig. 2—Barrier polyester beverage bottles feature Sidel’s Actis interior carbon coating (left) and Tetra Pak’s Glaskin interior silicon oxide coating.
Fig. 3—Mountain Dew Code Red carbonated beverage is packaged in a polyester bottle with Actis interior coating.

Fig. 4—MCT’s combustion chemical vapor deposition process applies submicron-thin coatings at atmospheric pressure.

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