A. Elizabeth Sloan

Dramatic shifts in eating patterns, a desire for more savoring and sophisticated food experiences, and the ever-widening recognition of the role of food in health continue to influence what, when, and where America eats. Despite a need for more affordable dining options, consumers continue their quest for more accessible, entertaining, flavorful, healthier, and cleaner-label food.Just over a quarter of all adults live alone, and even more are regularly eating alone, according to statistics that track eating occasions.

The economic uncertainty of the past four years has caused consumers of all ages and incomes to reevaluate, re-priori…

Figure 2. Consumers’ favorite flavors in 2011 (% of consumers who enjoy the flavor). From Technomic, 2011.

Figure 3. Ethnic cuisines most likelSy to be ordered from restaurants (% of consumers who would order). From Technomic, 2011.

Figure 4. Most consumers polled by the Hartman Group reported buying about the same amount—or even more—organic, natural, local, and fair trade products than they were purchasing the prior year. From The Hartman Group Inc., 2010.

Figure 5. Consumers’ top six associations with natural and organic are very similar. From The Hartman Group Inc., 2010.

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