Date Labeling
A variety of date labeling (sometimes referred to as date marking or “code dating”) is used on packaged foods and beverages. In the United States, except for a few situations (e.g., requirements for infant formula to assure nutrient content and consumption quality), date labeling is not subject to federal regulations. And, date labeling varies considerably among states and jurisdictions in the United States.
Because date labeling terminology and use varies so extensively in the United States and other countries, there is considerable misunderstanding about what it means with regard to quality or safety of the food or beverage product. This misunderstanding leads to food waste—a substantial global issue—when products are unnecessarily discarded because they are thought to be unsuitable for consumption (Newsome and others 2014). IFT convened a working group to address this issue, which led to the publication of the article “Applications and Perceptions of Date Labeling of Food” in Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety.
As this issue has become more visible in recent years, IFT has engaged in addressing it in a number of ways. Listed below are resources that may be useful in outreach or communication on this issue.
The items in this toolkit have been assembled to provide you fact-based, scientific resources on this issue for your personal education and when communicating with different audiences. The American Association for the Advancement of Science offers a Communication Toolkit (Communicating to engage) that provides guidance and tips for being effective in communicating through different channels. You may want to review the AAAS toolkit as you consider using this IFT issue-specific resource in communicating about this issue with your respective networks.
Communicating to Engage [Internet]. Washington, DC: American Association for the Advancement of Science. © 2018 [Accessed 2018 Feb 21].
Newsome R, Balestrini CG, Baum MD, Corby J, Fisher W, Goodburn K, Labuza TP, Prince G, Thesmar HS, Yiannas F. 2014. Applications and perceptions of date labeling of food. Compr Rev Food Sci Food Saf 13: 745-69.
The information provided below has been developed to assist you in conveying factual information when communicating about date labeling. The facts focus on the issue itself. Additional points are provided to address how IFT has been involved in the issue. Others are updates on relatively recent developments relating to the issue. IFT’s vision and mission are also noted.
Important Date Labeling Facts
Thus, there is momentum toward the following date label meanings:
IFT collaborated with a group of experts in academia, the food industry, the regulatory community, food banking, and consulting to put forward science-based information on this topic to support science and risk-based decision making. This effort led to IFT publishing in 2014 the article—Applications and perceptions of date labeling of food—in its peer-reviewed journal Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science & Food Safety.
These experts called for the food industry to collaborate to:
They also emphasized that:
IFT is actively involved in Codex and contributed to discussion of the revision of General Standard for the Labelling of Prepackaged Foods: Date Marking.
IFT Vision: A world where science and innovation are universally accepted as essential to a safe, nutritious and sustainable food supply for everyone.
IFT Mission: To advance the science of food and its application across the global food system.
CAC. 2017. Report of the forty-fourth session of the Codex Committee on Food Labelling. Oct. 16 – 20, Asuncion, Paraguay. Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme, Codex Alimentarius Commission. Rome.
Congresswoman Chellie Pingree. Reducing Food Waste.
GMA. 2017. Grocery industry launches new initiative to reduce consumer confusion on product date labels. Feb. 15. “Retailers and manufacturers align on standard wording to help consumers cut food waste.” News & Events. Grocery Manufacturers Association.
GMA. 2018. ReFED partners with food waste reduction alliance, launches retail food waste action guide. Jan. 23. “ReFED analysis reveals food waste represents $18.2 billion profit opportunity for grocery retailers.” Grocery Manufacturers Association.
Newsome R, Balestrini CG, Baum MD, Corby J, Fisher W, Goodburn K, Labuza TP, Prince G, Thesmar HS, Yiannas F. 2014. Applications and perceptions of date labeling of food. Compr Rev Food Sci Food Saf 13: 745-69.
USDA. 2016. USDA revises guidance on date labeling to reduce food waste. “Encourages industry to use “Best if Used By” on product labels. U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Below are links to helpful, shareable infographics. IFT encourages you to share this graphics through your social networks to help inform others about the date labeling changes. Note: this graphic is provided through IFT's Food Technology magazine. Members have unlimited access to Food Technology. Non-members have limited access which may require a login to view the graphic depending on the number of free monthly views have been used.
Confusion About Food Date Labeling as a Substantial Contributor to Food Waste
Bob Brackett, Ph.D., CFS, Director of the Institute for Food Safety and Health at the Illinois Institute of Technology and IFT member explains the difference between “use-by,” “sell-by,” and “best-by” dates.
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Food Waste
Video presentation highlighting the impact of food waste.
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The items below are provided for you to share this important topic via your social media sites with the ultimate goal of educating others to help reduce the amount of unnecessarily wasted food.
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The following pre-drafted posts can be shared on your personal social channels to inform your network and encourage them to check out IFT for additional information. We recommend using the following hashtags in posts on social media channels such as Twitter and LinkedIn: #foodwaste and #sustainability
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Below are links to helpful resources developed by IFT’s publications and content teams. Please share these through your social and personal networks to help provide greater insights and understanding about this topic.
Applications and Perceptions of Date Labeling of Food - Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety
Measuring and Reducing Food Loss and Waste - Food Technology Magazine*
Food Dating and Food Waste – Food Technology Magazine*
*Note: IFT Members receive unlimited access to Food Technology magazine. Non-members are able to access online Food Technology content on a limited monthly basis. Interested in unlimited access? Become an IFT member today!