Toxicology division

Toxicology & Safety Evaluation Division

Engage and educate on the safety evaluation of foods, food ingredients, and contaminants in food and dietary supplements.


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Manki Ho Toxicology & Safety Evaluation Division
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Adults talking in a meeting around a table


Year Founded
food variety spread on table


Countries Represented by Members

Division Accomplishments/Recognition

  • The Outstanding Volunteer award honors a current Division member who provided exemplary volunteer work to the Division in the current year. The 2023-2024 recipient is Manki Ho.
  • The Outstanding Service award honors current Division members who have demonstrated a history of service to the Division or field. The 2023-2024 recipient is Jim Coughlin.

Division Graduate Student Oral Competition Finalists

  • First: Prarthanaa Sankaranarayanan, University of Massachusetts Amherst: Rapid detection of Titanium Dioxide in food products using X-ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy
  • Second: Maame Ekua Manful, Technological University Dublin, Ireland: Safety and In vitro Genotoxic Potential of Valorized Partially Defatted Almond Press Cake Powder for Food Ingredient Applications.
  • Third: Yejune Moon, North Dakota State University: Conjugation of Deoxynivalenol During Malting for Brewing

How to Join a Division

Joining a Division is easy! Signing up for a Division gives you access to the Division’s IFT Connect Community, signs you up for their newsletter, and gives you access to Subject Matter Experts in the field. To sign up for a Division, visit IFT-Divisions. After signing into your account, check the boxes of the Divisions you would like to be involved with and click save.

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