Small-scale tuna fishers in the Philippines use handline catch methods that can mitigate some troubling by-catch issues, but a suite of systemic issues challenge fishers’ access to traceability systems. IFT’s Global Food Traceability Center (GFTC) and colleagues at World Wildlife Federation-Philippines reviewed the potential of democratized, digital traceability systems to overcome these barriers, and identified considerations necessary to achieve broader uptake in a paper recently published in…
In this article, readers will discover the seven packaging innovations—four associated with format and design achievements and three material science discoveries—that have risen to the top in the past half century in terms of positive impact on the food system and consumers worldwide.
With one year left to comply with the FDA's Food Traceability Rule, companies have made progress but still face challenges.
News and trends about the food system.
Hilary Thesmar, a food safety advocate and chief science officer of FMI describes the challenges companies face as they work toward compliance with the Food Traceability Final Rule.
Hear from a pioneering researcher who's shaping the future of food processing through the transformative use of high-intensity ultrasound.