“I think that everyone assumes food waste is something that other people do,” says Clementine O’Connor program officer - Sustainable Food Systems at the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). “Food waste is something that everyone does and that everyone could do better at reducing.” And while it is going to take everyone—from the individual to the country level—to make a difference, it is key to remember that the impact of food loss and waste is va…
In this article, readers will discover the seven packaging innovations—four associated with format and design achievements and three material science discoveries—that have risen to the top in the past half century in terms of positive impact on the food system and consumers worldwide.
News and trends about the food system.
Fonio Chips maker Yolélé Foods has developed techniques to reduce fonio postharvest losses and now markets chips and pilafs made with fonio grown in West Africa.
Hear from a pioneering researcher who's shaping the future of food processing through the transformative use of high-intensity ultrasound.
Researchers at Acadia University find that wine drinkers are more accepting of pasta sauce formulated with the addition of grape pomace than those who do not drink wine.