Linda Ohr

Linda Milo Ohr

Browse through any health food store and you are sure to find a section dedicated to sports nutrition. Products that focus on boosting energy, increasing muscle mass, or improving muscle restoration populate shelves at gyms and even mainstream supermarkets. Nutrition bars, energy drinks, sports beverages, and protein mixes make up the segment in the functional food and dietary supplement industry often referred to as sports supplements, performance-enhancing products, or ergogenic aids.


Fig. 3—Bally Soy Protein Bars are among the numerous sports bars available that contain soy protein. The line is available in four popular flavors: chocolate peanut crunch, key lime pie supreme, mint chocolate, and chocolate almond.

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About the Author

Linda Milo Ohr is a food scientist and writer based in Highlands Ranch, Colo. ([email protected]).
Linda Ohr