Linda Ohr

Linda Milo Ohr

We could all use a quick pick-me-up during our busy days. From business executives and research scientists to athletes, stay-at-home parents and teachers, we all reach for a cup of coffee, can of pop, snack, or something else to physically and mentally stimulate us during the day. I confess, my weakness is a nice cold can of pop to get me through the day after a sleepless night with a three-month-old.

The energy market, which consists mainly of bars and beverages, has shown steady growth througho…

Fig. 1—PowerBar Energy Bites combine complex carbohydrates, protein, and 17 vitamins and minerals in three flavors: Chocolate Crisp, Peanut Butter Crisp, and Oatmeal Raisin Crisp.

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About the Author

Linda Milo Ohr is a food scientist and writer based in Highlands Ranch, Colo. ([email protected]).
Linda Ohr