Donald Pszczola

Donald E. Pszczola

Imagine a world without emulsions, a global marketplace where food formulators suddenly do not have access to ingredients whose emulsification capabilities play such a critical role in product development. It isn’t so easy to visualize, is it?

Many foods such as salad dressings, mayonnaise, creamy sauces, margarine, noodles, cake mixes, and breads would not even be possible without the use of emulsifying ingredients. And the role of these emulsifiers will continue to expand as they address future challenges.

Without emulsifiers, stabilization would break down. Balance of components in the formulation would be upset. Texture, flavor, and appearance of the final product would be compromised. All because emulsions and those ingredients that contribute to their mak…

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About the Author

Food Technology magazine Senior Editor and key member of the Food Technology editorial staff for 26 years.
Donald Pszczola