As fundamental as food is to life, so are research and development (R&D) and innovation vital to the food sector in order to meet food safety, health, environmental, and economic challenges. The food and agriculture sector is the world’s biggest industry and its true value is difficult to measure. The World Bank estimates the food and agriculture sector at 10% of global gross domestic product, approximately $4.8 trillion (Murray, 2007). Food can be a commodity, a product, an ingredient, or a…

The demand for agricultural products for nontraditional uses such as bioenergy or bio-based materials can potentially change agricultural production patterns, food availability, and food prices. Food Technologist Charles Onwulata uses an injection molder to modify whey protein structures for food and nonfood product development.

Figure 2. Calorie availability is increasing in developing countries.

Figure 3. Grain share of developing country diet shrinks as meat and vegetable oil share rises

Table 1. Ranking of industrial sectors by aggregate R&D from the world top 1,400 companies in the 2007 Scoreboard.

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