Donald Pszczola

Donald E. Pszczola

First Lady Michelle Obama recently called on the food industry to step up efforts on reformulating food products to make them healthier. Her “Let’s Move” campaign has underscored the need to address such issues as sodium reduction, childhood obesity, and rising concerns over diabetes. As was discussed at the IFT Wellness 10 Conference, statistics are quite alarming—for example, one in three children are overweight, one in five are obese, and 20% of teens have high cholesterol.

This peanut butter and jelly sandwich—a gourmet favorite of many kids—can serve as a good vehicle for the stealth health approach. Although the bread is made with whole-grain ingredients, it has the taste, texture, and appearance of regular white bread.Obama’s initiative …

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About the Author

Food Technology magazine Senior Editor and key member of the Food Technology editorial staff for 26 years.
Donald Pszczola