August 2015

Sea-ing a Better Way to Feed the World; Mapping the World of Barbecue; GRAS 27 Flavoring Substances; How Tomorrow’s Technology Will Help Feed the Planet; Cornell Researchers Give Microbes the Slip

Volume 69, No. 8

Plated fish underwater

Sea-ing a Better Way to Feed the World

Seafood and seaweed are underutilized food sources with the potential to improve public health and sustainably feed the world’s growing population.
August 1, 2015
Barbecue photos on Map

Mapping the World of Barbecue

Global flavors, regional variations, and interesting flavor combinations are punching up the barbecue sauce category.
August 1, 2015
Flask in lab

GRAS 27 Flavoring Substances

The 27th publication by the Expert Panel of the Flavor and Extract Manufacturers Association provides an update on recent progress in the consideration of flavoring ingredients generally recognized as safe under the Food Additives Amendment.
August 1, 2015
Flask in lab

GRAS 27 Flavoring Substances

The 27th publication by the Expert Panel of the Flavor and Extract Manufacturers Association provides an update on recent progress in the consideration of flavoring ingredients generally recognized as safe under the Food Additives Amendment.
August 1, 2015
Plated fish underwater

Sea-ing a Better Way to Feed the World

Seafood and seaweed are underutilized food sources with the potential to improve public health and sustainably feed the world’s growing population.
August 1, 2015
Barbecue photos on Map

Mapping the World of Barbecue

Global flavors, regional variations, and interesting flavor combinations are punching up the barbecue sauce category.
August 1, 2015


A Look Back at a Year of Moving Forward


Chef Sarah Simmons: Celebrating the Everyday


The Performance Product Market Is on the Move


Cornell Researchers Give Microbes the Slip


Burning Fat, Building Muscle


Going Viral


Packaging That Sells


How Tomorrow’s Technology Will Help Feed the Planet


What the World Eats

Food Snapshot


Past Issues

July 2015

Generational Role Reversals; The Rise of the Solo Diner; Meeting Industry’s Science and Technology Needs; Entrepreneurial Approaches Mean Big Wins for General Mills; Turning Down the Heat: Anti-Inflammatory Ingredients

June 2015

IFT Marks a Milestone in Chicago; Chicago Will Be the Ingredients Capital in July; A Healthy Assortment of Functional Ingredients; 2015 Scientific Program Offers Food Safety & Quality; Annual Event Delivers Solutions to Processing Challenges


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