Paradigm-shifting, disruptive, radical. New technologies always seem to be associated with platitudes and promises of complete industrial transformation, but until they are tested, one never knows whether to believe the hype or not. Blockchain is no exception; it is lauded by some as the most important development in digital technology since the World Wide Web. From major retailers to produce and seafood companies, the zeitgeist of blockchain-enabled traceability has hit the food industry hard. …
IFT President Christopher Daubert reflects on IFT’s role in establishing trust in the food system.
With one year left to comply with the FDA's Food Traceability Rule, companies have made progress but still face challenges.
Obtaining research funding has always been a challenge in the food sciences, and the next generation of researchers must contend with shifting priorities and resources.
Hilary Thesmar, a food safety advocate and chief science officer of FMI describes the challenges companies face as they work toward compliance with the Food Traceability Final Rule.
IFT President Christopher Daubert reflects on the importance of championing research in the food sciences.