Food Technology Magazine | Issues and Insights

How Iconic Brands Stay Evergreen

Savvy CPG companies are leveraging product development creativity to bring new life to legacy brands.

By Dale Buss
Pine flower on branch, flowering pine tree in spring.

© Zigmunds Dizgalvisistock/getty images plus

If you want to explore the cutting edge of food branding, visit the sushi section in a Kroger’s grocery store for a slice of SPAM Musubi, a new limited edition based on the popular Hawaiian concoction with rice wrapped in nori. Or look in the center store for the new Bush’s Best Grillin’ Beans featuring Mike’s Hot Honey, a sweet and spicy take on one of America’s blandest—but increasingly versatile—foods.

Move further down the canned vegetable aisle and c…

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About the Author

Dale Buss, contributing editor, is an award-winning journalist and book author whose career has included reporting for The Wall Street Journal, where he was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize ([email protected]).