Food Engineering division

Food Engineering Division

The Food Engineering Division specializes in sustainable engineering and technology for food production and processing, with a focus on ensuring healthy, high-quality, safe, and secure food supplies.


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Adults talking in a meeting around a table


Year Founded
food variety spread on table


Countries Represented by Members

Noteworthy Program

Food Engineering division

Food Engineering Podcast Program

Our podcast program is a must-listen for anyone interested in the latest developments in food engineering. We invite renowned food engineers to discuss hot topics, such as microplastics, sustainable packaging, and the future of food processing.

Listen to IFT Sci Dish Podcasts

Division Accomplishments/Recognition

  • The Outstanding Volunteer award honors a current Division member who provided exemplary volunteer work to the Division in the current year. The 2023-2024 recipients are Shyam Singh, Ali Ubeyitogullari, and Yue Wang.

  • The Outstanding Service award honors current Division members who have demonstrated a history of service to the Division or field. The 2023-2024 recipient is Gail Bornhorst.

Division Oral Competition Finalists

  • First: Caleb Wagner, Washington State University: Engineering Considerations of Cooling Die Wall Temperature, Aspect Ratio, and Apparent Shear Rate on Extruded Wheat Protein High Moisture Meat Analogs
  • Second: Arda Tuhanioglu, University of Arkansas: Selective Extraction of Waxes From Bioethanol Production Side-Stream via Supercritical Carbon Dioxide: Thermal Characterization and Modeling
  • Third: Ramin Nemati, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign: Non-Destructive Characterization of Wheat-Based Food Microstructure Using X-Ray Micro-Computed Tomography and Image Processing Techniques

How to Join a Division

Joining a Division is easy! Signing up for a Division gives you access to the Division’s IFT Connect Community, signs you up for their newsletter, and gives you access to Subject Matter Experts in the field. To sign up for a Division, visit IFT-Divisions. After signing into your account, check the boxes of the Divisions you would like to be involved with and click save.

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