Sensory Science division

Sensory & Consumer Sciences Division

Join the Sensory & Consumer Sciences group where we discuss the latest research and insights regarding the measurement, analysis, and interpretation of human beings' reactions to the characteristics of foods and related materials as perceived through the five senses.


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Sharon Bender Sensory & Consumer Sciences Division
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farm landscape


Adults talking in a meeting around a table


Year Founded
food variety spread on table


Countries Represented by Members

Our Vision

IFT Sensory & Consumer Sciences Division is an advocate for sensory and consumer science professionals within food systems. We ensure that sensory and consumer sciences influence strategic decision making within global foods systems, so that they continue to provide a good tasting, safe, sustainable, and nutritious food supply, which delivers on the expected sensory experience, for everyone.

Our role is to facilitate, inform, and influence decisions that impact business by incorporating sensory and consumer sciences principles into decision-making processes related to product development, packaging design, quality assessment, and marketing, and lead to more informed and successful strategies that resonate with consumers.

Our commitment to IFT membership is to provide a global, inclusive and welcoming community interested in learning and advancing knowledge and tools in the sensory and consumer research fields and enhancing members’ professional capacity and competency.

Our Mission

a) Provide continued learning opportunities to IFT community members, sensory scientists and consumer product experience professionals in the fields of sensory evaluation and consumer product research.

b) Provide networking opportunities within the science of food community to sensory scientists and consumer product experience professionals, from students to early and established professionals.

c) Provide leadership development opportunities through volunteerism on the global stage.

Noteworthy Programs

Achievement Award

Have you or someone you know made significant contributions in the field of sensory and consumer sciences? Submit a nomination for the Sensory and Consumer Sciences Achievement Award. Presented in partnership with the IFT Sensory and Consumer Sciences Division, the award will honor an individual who has demonstrated distinguished leadership and research within the field and made a lasting impact with their work. Learn more about the criteria and submit a nomination. Review the criteria & eligibility, as well as see a list of our past Achievement Award winners!

Criteria & Eligibility

Special SCSD Member Exclusives

Join our Division to receive exclusive access to Division newsletters and monthly sensory scientific journal updates.

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LinkedIn Page

Follow us on LinkedIn for content on upcoming events, conference and competition updates, trivia and giveaways, and networking opportunities with other sensory professionals and students!

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Division Accomplishments/Recognition

  • The Outstanding Volunteer award honors a current Division member who provided exemplary volunteer work to the Division in the current year. The 2023-2024 recipients are Sam Hoffman and Rachel Potter.
  • The Outstanding Service award honors current Division members who have demonstrated a history of service to the Division or field. The 2023-2024 recipient is Karen Graves.

Division Oral Competition Finalists

  • First: Ella Warner, North Carolina State University: Consumer Perception of Plant-Based Cheese
  • Second: Jenna Fryer, Oregon State University: Comparing the Recognition Threshold of Thiophenols For ‘Ashy’ Flavor Between Different Wine Styles of Pinot Noir Wine
  • Third: Eniola Ola, University of Arkansas: Comparing Sensory Appeal: Traditional vs. Gluten-Free Cookies in a Consumer Acceptance Test

How to Join a Division

Joining a Division is easy! Signing up for a Division gives you access to the Division’s IFT Connect Community, signs you up for their newsletter, and gives you access to Subject Matter Experts in the field. To sign up for a Division, visit IFT-Divisions. After signing into your account, check the boxes of the Divisions you would like to be involved with and click save.

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