Brain Food The Official IFT Blog. A plate shaped as a head with food on top and a fork and knife.
IFT spotlight graphic that reads Ingredient Innovation

Ingredient innovation is transforming food science and catalyzing new product development. For our May Content Spotlight, we’ve compiled resources that highlight some of these new ingredient trends and the science behind them. Hear from a cutting-edge food products innovator, learn about the benefits of edible foams and bioactive compounds, find the latest flavoring ingredients considered generally recognized as safe under the Food Additives Amendment—and more!  

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Brain Food blog  

Food Technology [IFT Member Benefit] 

IFT FIRST 2023 Archive 

Journal of Food Science [Subscription Required—IFT Member Discount Available] 

Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety [IFT Member Benefit] 

On-demand videos 

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