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Renew your IFT membership to continue to take advantage of our unique science of food resources.

Your IFT membership is critical to ensuring that your career and the profession stay strong, relevant, and influential. By renewing your IFT membership, you’re making a difference in your community and making a personal investment to the future of food science and food innovation locally, nationally and globally. As an IFT member, you become better connected and informed and empower yourself to become a vital contributor to the future of food—its safety, nutrition, and sustainability.

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Membership Dues Hardship Waiver Request

IFT is committed to providing assistance to current members who have been affected by economic hardship. One of the ways we are doing so is by waiving membership dues for one year, when possible, for members who are experiencing financial hardship.

To be considered for a membership dues waiver, a member must meet the following criteria:

  • Be a current IFT Premier or Networking & Engagement member in good standing. Emeritus and Student members do not qualify as these member types receive significantly discounted membership.
  • Have been a paid member for the past two years.
  • Be experiencing financial hardship due to unemployment, medical illness, disability, or catastrophe.

Submit a waiver request

Questions about the IFT dues waiver program? Contact our Membership team to learn more.

Learn about IFT's hardship dues waiver

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