The advance of science in the food industry has been astonishing. The progress in analytical instrumentation alone is staggering. Through use of gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, high-pressure liquid chromatography, and scanning electron microscopy with elemental identification, we now have the ability to separate, identify, and measure many compounds in foods. These sophisticated and sensitive tools help to monitor and control our products.

Using its MasterChef approach to identify locally relevant flavors and FlavorPlus technique to recreate those authentic flavors in a finished product, PepsiCo was able to launch a line of potato chips under the Lay’s Chaat Street brand. Chaat (i.e., savory snacks made with fried dough, potatoes, spices, etc.) is a very common form of eating/snacking in India, often from small kiosks on the street. The product developer has an expansive toolbox of f…

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