Food Systems

Tom Hollands

Wayne Martindale

Mark Swainson

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    If international initiatives to mitigate climate change, population health, and wealth distribution fall short, there is high potential for 2045 to be a very challenging point for the food system. The Lloyd’s Register Foundation’s report (2019) reveals a roadmap for global food safety. This report considers the potential advances and challenges facing the food system in 2045. It takes into consideration the value of food safety and food security in a food and beverage industry where …

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    About the Authors

    Tom Æ Hollands is Innovation and Technical Director at Raynor Foods ([email protected]).
    Wayne Martindale, PhD, is Associate Professor Food Insights and Sustainability, National Centre for Food Manufacturing, University of Lincoln ([email protected]).
    Mark Swainson is Deputy Head of the National Centre for Food Manufacturing, University of Lincoln ([email protected]).