Nicolas Bordenave
Nicolas Bordenave
Nicolas Bordenave has joined France’s National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment during summer 2023, as Research Director based in Avignon (France). His research program focuses on leveraging agricultural wastes to contribute to sustainable healthy diets. Prior to this role, he was Associate Professor in the School of Nutrition Sciences at the University of Ottawa (Canada) and held various research positions in PepsiCo’s R&D centers in Chicago and Leicester (UK), supporting well-known brands such as Quaker®, Tropicana® and Gatorade®. Nicolas has three children respectively born in France, the US and the UK, who have left Canada to discover a new life in France.
IFT Highlights
Nicolas has been a member of IFT since 2010. He has served in several IFT volunteer roles at the division and national levels. Among these roles, he chaired the Annual Meeting Scientific Program Advisory Panel, the Carbohydrate Division and Student Competitions at the Annual Event. He is currently an associate editor for Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, a journal of IFT. He joined the Board of Directors of IFT in September 2021 for a 3-year term.
MS in Chemistry from National Institute of Chemistry of Toulouse (ENSIACET, France)
PhD in Organic Chemistry from Bordeaux University (France)
Postdoctoral scholar in Food Science Department and Whistler Center for Carbohydrate Research at Purdue University (USA)