IFT Food Facts

What exactly are the differences between fish that is wild caught versus fish that is farm raised? A Q&A with Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) President Mary Ellen Camire, PhD, CFS sheds some light on this topic.

Q: What is the difference between wild-caught and farm-raised fish?
A: Wild-caught means the fish were caught using nets, hand-lines, divers, or traps.  Farm-raised fish are raised in tanks or enclosures specifically for food.

Q: How much of what we eat is farm-raised versus wild-caught?
A: Depending on where you live, the percentage of farm-raised and wild-caught fish can vary greatly.

Q: What are the most common farmed fish?
A: In the U.S., the top fish that are farmed are catfish and trout. In the rest of the world, shrimp and salmon are the biggest crops.

Q: Are farm-raised fish genetically modified?
A: There are some genetically modified salmon varieties available; but most fish grown for agriculture are produced by traditional breeding methods and are very similar to wild-caught fish. Some farmed fish are just wild fish that are caught and then raised in pens.

Q: Is there a taste difference between wild-caught and farm-raised fish?
A: There is not much of a taste difference, but some people notice a difference in texture because farm-raised fish are often fed a slightly different diet.

Q: Are farm-raised fish as nutritious as wild-caught fish?
A: Yes. In the wild, fish get Omega-3 fatty acids (the main nutrient in fish) from eating algae, either by eating smaller fish who eat algae or by eating it directly. In farm-raised fish, algae is added directly as a part of their feed.

Mary Ellen Camire, PhD, CFS, University of Maine

NOAA Fisheries




Episode 31: Promoting Sustainability and Mitigating Illegal Fishing with Seafood Traceability

Since 2017, IFT’s Global Food Traceability Center has worked with the World Wildlife Fund to advance a unified framework by convening seafood companies and other relevant stakeholders as part of the Global Dialogue on Seafood Traceability. We’ve convened this podcast to discuss the latest in traceability, particularly in the seafood industry.

Episode 28: Spicing Up the Future of Food

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Episode 26: Food Industry Trends We're Predicting in 2021

Today’s podcast features Kelly Hensel, IFT’s senior digital editor, and John Ruff, IFT’s Chief Science and Technology Officer. This high-level discussion previews a few of the major trends that both Food Technology Magazine’s editorial team as well as IFT’s Science, Policy, and Innovation team expect to play a major role in 2021.