Health Canada has issued a no objection letter to Ganeden for products fortified with the probiotic strain, Bacillus coagulans GBI-30 6086 (GanedenBC30). The letter confirms that products fortified with GanedenBC30 can make any of the general health claims that are allowed in the country’s probiotic monograph, and provides opportunities for new gut flora language on packaging. This new approval makes it easier for companies to educate consumers on the benefits of GanedenBC30 on their food and beverage product packaging.

“Canada has become a strong market for probiotic fortification in foods and beverages, and we are dedicated to advancing regulatory approvals and probiotic language both there and internationally,” said David Keller, vice president of scientific operations for Ganeden. “Our goal as a leader in the space is to make it as easy as possible for food and beverage manufacturers to fortify with a high-quality probiotic ingredient, and to also provide direction on probiotic-related health claims and educational content.”

Press release

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