Internet-mediated technologies are only beginning to have an impact on colleges and universities across the country and around the world. During the past four years alone, there has been an exponential rise in the development of Internet sites for academic courses and databases with information useful for teaching and learning. These technologies provide a powerful supplement to the traditional classroom environment. This article describes an additional use of the Internet—conducting “hands-on” …

Fig. 1—Experimental setup for analyzing a food dryer

Fig. 3—Login screen

Fig. 4—Information screen regarding experimental settings

Fig. 5—Live image of the experimental apparatus and preliminary data

Fig. 6—Screen for changing fan and heater settings

Fig. 7—Live image after control settings have been changed

Fig. 8—Instructions for downloading data

Fig. 9—Data collected via the Internet-assisted experiment

Table 1 Five planned remote-controlled Internet-assisted laboratory experiments

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