Organic food sales in the U.S., 1997–2005. From OTA (2006).The organic foods industry in the United States has grown dramatically in the past two decades. Organic foods constitute more than 2% of all food in the U.S., and organic sales are estimated to have increased by nearly 20% annually since 1990, reaching $13.8 billion in 2005 (OTA, 2006).

Organic food sales in the U.S. by food category, 2005, in millions of dollars. From OTA (2006).Foods produced by conventional methods and organic methods may differ with regard to pesticide residues and nutrients, but it is premature to say that either system is superior to the other.This rapid growth may be traced to increased consumer confidence in organic foods as well as to concern about possible health risks and environmental impacts of conventional food production methods. Surveys freque…

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