Graduate Research Video Competition
Graduate Research Video Competition
Showcase your graduate research in a creative and concise way! Interested students will submit a fun, creative, three-minute video related to original research conducted by the student during their graduate studies. The research can be on any subject related to food science or technology.
Students will submit a personal statement explaining why they should be chosen to visit competition sponsor Campden BRI in the United Kingdom, and the different ways they plan to capture their experience through various social media channels.
2024: Ivannova Lituma
Louisiana State University
2023: Jenna Fryer
Oregon State University
2022: Koentadi Hadinoto
University of New South Wales
2021: Grace Dewi
University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
2020: Meghan McGillin
Cornell University
2018: Anna Waller
University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
2016: Amadeus Ahnan
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Three finalists will receive $600 travel grants towards travel and registration to IFT FIRST. The winner of the competition will be selected for an industry visit to Campden BRI in the United Kingdom. The trip will be approximately ten days long. The winner’s travel costs will be covered up to $7,500. Final details will be determined by the sponsoring company in discussion with the winner.
The winner of the competition will be selected to attend a ten-day industry visit opportunity at Campden BRI in the United Kingdom which will occur in the fall of even numbered years. The winner of the competition will either visit with the previous year’s winner or, in the absence of a previous year’s winner, will wait until the following year for the visit. So, two finalists will visit Campden BRI every two years. The industry visit will take place during a mutually agreed upon time by the winner and Campden BRI.
Participants should be currently enrolled in a graduate-level degree program (i.e., MS, PhD, or equivalent) and a current student member of IFT. For complete details, consult the guidelines document for this competition.
Applications for this competition are open now through April 15, 2025.
Thilini Dissanayake, University of Manitoba